Yesterday, Pandemic Legion (PL) nabbed themselves another Titan. This time the Ragnarok of FomkA.
Titans and Supercapitals; powerful, expensive, and unable to dock. Every good pvper desires one of these (or several) on their killboard. PL are experts at hunting this kind of prey. Here’s the story from Cumadrin Kassin.
‘On September 13th of 2012 I went to Jaymass to investigate a cyno on the map. It was on a planet and right after I entered local, one person left local. It wasn’t the cyno, and when I checked Dscan from the beacon there was the Ragnarok on scan. Shortly thereafter the cyno left and logged, and since I did not get a long enough look at local to remember the Titan pilot’s name, we (RoCkEt X, simon perry, and our other PHEW Super hunting pilots) did extensive background research on the cyno pilot to confirm the Ragnarok pilot. We also came up with a list of seven or eight alts.
It was clear the guy had brought his Titan to low sec and unsubbed. IIRC, in March of 2013 he briefly resubbed again with the intention of selling or trading the Ragnarok. We monitored a couple of his alts, but he never resubbed the Titan’s account and unsubbed again until this month. I noticed a couple of his alts online over the last couple weeks, but as they were the same ones running around hi sec and pvping in sub caps a year ago, I didn’t make it a priority to alert everyone and start monitoring him.
And then Sunday night – literally as I was just finishing cleaning up the field for the BL Erebus we downed in Nieril – the cyno alt he used for the Titan logged in. With a mix of eagerness and resignation we formed up for a login camp yet again, as we had just killed the aforementioned Erebus and also a random Nyx in Hothomouh on Saturday night.
We monitored FomkA’s alts for the 22 hours before he died. My job was primarily one of the initial probers as well as a Titan bridge, but we always had at least 3-4 real pilots around and at least 2 probers awake in Jaymass. When he DID login it was quite a surprise, as he had no cyno alt online, just an alt derping around in hi sec. I probed him in two cycles, but it was my 2nd warpable hit on his ship that landed my prober on him, as I was a bit too surprised to keep track to time it correctly.
To his credit, he had the presence of mind to warp off my cyno before our HICs bridging in could get point, thanks to his Nomad set and MWD. Luckily he warped to a celestial, which our HIC’s quickly followed him to, and it was Cuebick who landed the first point. A second cyno went up and we officially ended our ‘longest’ Supercap login trap to date.
For the record, the longest we’ve ever continuously been on standby for a kill is about two weeks, no more than three, and the actual time we were on standby for FomkA was much less than that. It’s simply the length of time that he was on our radar that makes him special.’
Unfortunately for FomkA, he warped his pod to highsec and logged off with his aggression timer still running. It was subsequently scanned down and destroyed.
Great job Pandemic Legion! For owners of Titans and Supercapitals, especially of those resubbing, a warning is clear. More than likely, you are being watched and hunted.
Thanks to Cumadrin Kassin for the interview. FomkA was contacted but was unavailable to make a comment.