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GaNg BaNg TeAm have a Bad Friday.

April 18, 2014

Shortly before downtime, GaNg BaNg TeAm dropped a group of dreadnoughts, and a single Aeon to provide fighter support. into C-N4OD in Fountain, and began shooting a Jump Bridge tower. This is one of the key jump bridge links which connects Cloud Ring with Delve, and has in the past been camped heavily by GaNg BaNg TeAm.

fawlty7 of Goons was near with a small 10 man gang, and was able to quickly respond to the dreads on the tower. Unfortunately they were only able to tackle a single Moros. FA and other allies in the area responded, and quickly sent more tackle, and damage to attack the tackled dread. With 8Min’s to go until downtime, and with GaNg BaNg TeAm and allies forming to try and save the tackled dread, a titan was jumped in, and quickly removed the Dread from the field, before warping off. A small fight was had outside the tower before CFC members moved inside of the friendly tower as downtime hit.

After downtime, the titan was jumped out safe, and everyone returned to there home system, with exception of fawlty7’s small group, which waited at where they thought the Aeon was located. Since GaNg BaNg TeAm didn’t have a safe tower in the system, it had to be somewhere in space.

5Min’s past, and bam, Aeon tackled!

Pings went out, and quickly everyone in the area again responded. 2 CFC Titans were jumped in, along with a hand full of CFC dreads. GaNg BaNg TeAm and allies attempted to respond, lighting several cynos, but these were quickly killed, with only a single Nidhoggur getting through, which was killed rather rapidly. The Aeon slowly went down, and a few smaller killed picked up as GaNg BaNg TeAm attempted to bomb bubbles and remove tackle on the Aeon.


CFC cleared the field, and everyone got out safe. Today is not such a Good Friday for GaNg BaNg TeAm.