So as I am sure you are most aware Fanfest 2014 is upon us, a time where you as fine folks of New Eden are going to find yourself under a barrage of information with summer expansion, announcements, tournament games, round tables and various presentations. We at EN24 are going to do our best to keep you up to date on anything you may have missed yourself.
So what can you expect from us:
As with any big announcement our guys still at home will be providing you with both detailed and concise updates on the major announcements and updates. The principles of which of course will be the announcement of the Eve online summer expansions and news on CCPs latest addition Valkyrie. Keep an eye on the EN24 website or if you prefer more mobile lightweight updates then you can follow us on twitter at @evenews24.
In addition to our guys at home a number of the EN24 team ourselves will be attending Fanfest including myself, Bobmon and Amymuffmuff. You can expect a number of more detailed reports of the events from us however we apologise if alcohol and merriment gets in the way, after all we’re there to have fun like the rest of you. I know Bob has got a few interviews planned for you guys, and I will be live blogging all the non-news stuff (that means If Chribba throws up on Fozzie’s shoes, you’ll hear about it)
Finally I’d like to invite anyone who wants to come and flame about EN24 or just have a good ol’ chat to join me and my corpies for a drink, and I’m sure Bob and Muff would be happy to extend the invitation, just throw us a comment below and we’ll get in contact.
We look forward to seeing those of us you fortunate enough to make it up to Iceland and we look forward to joining you the next morning as we try and piece together exactly what happened the night before.
See you at the top of the world.
Bo Jangles and the EN24 Team.