Now some of you may consider this anti-news, but It’s worth taking a look over nevertheless, especially if you still consider yourself an eve online beginner.
GM LeLouch made a forum post today, outlining and clarifying CCP’s stance on griefing and harassment of new players currently working their way through the tutorial. LeLouch stressed that the last change made to these rules was in 2012, and nothing has changed since then. He then went on to elaborate on how these rules were being interpreted by CCP as well as the reasoning behind the rules.
The major points are:
– CCP has never condoned griefing of new players in new player systems. (Defined as systems where the tutorial agents and their missions are.)
– Word changes were simply edits for better understanding of the rules.
– Clarified the difference between regular combat and non-consensual player griefing such as can baiting.
– Specifically pointed out that Arnon is a protected new player system due to the SOE epic arc being considered the last step of the tutorial. By extension of this, all of the systems in the Blood Stained Stars epic arc are also included.
– Only new players are protected in these systems and vets are still fair game in any system.
– New Players who wander off the beaten paths into lawless space are valid targets.
Lelouch did acknowledge that learning eve is a difficult task, but that griefing a player in the process of learning the game is detrimental to the game as a whole. These restrictions were put in place to allow new players to get their bearings before being let out into the greater universe of EVE.
Apolo Askiras