Seven capitals down and 52billion isk lost in a non-effect C5. How? Why? Was this a site gank? No. And who are Lazerhawks?
Lazerhawks are a new pvp wormhole corporation living in a C5 pulsar. The founding members all flew with Kill it with Fire (before leadership fail cascade). They absorbed members from Lead Farmers and formed Lazerhawks. As Forget Myface (Director) says ‘we will literally fight anything, and are usually always drunk :p’.
Here’s how it went down. Lazerhawks were watching A.B.R. readying to close their two incoming wormholes. Multiple capitals had been sighted. Interestingly, A.B.R. had left an unanchored bubble on one of the wormholes. One would assume they had taken it down in preparation to close and were going to scoop it with the Orca once it arrived. Unfortunately for them, Lazerhawks seized the opportunity, took it for their own and re-anchored.
An Orca arrived at one hole, which was quickly tackled by subcaps and destroyed. At the other hole a Moros arrived onto, ironically, their ‘own’ bubble. Lazerhawks brought in a Naglfar to assist their subcaps. Soon after, an Archon arrived to try and save the Moros. It entered triage and became difficult to break.
A decision from the FC, Michael1995, was made to go ‘balls-deep’ and bring in another Naglfar and as many subcaps as the wormhole mass could handle. With the wormhole closed behind they were now committed with no ability to bring in more help.
The scout announced another two Moroses sighted in a POS. Serina Verenth, lone interdictor pilot, quickly started burning toward their POS, spamming bubbles as he went. With a perfect catch, the two Moroses landed 100km off the fight.
With one Archon dead, A.B.R. landed another Archon and two Moroses right onto the Lazerhawk Naglfars. According to Forget Myface, the two Moroses ‘died instantly’. They mopped up the remaining Archon and the two Moroses trapped 100km off the fight.
What about the subcaps in the mail? Well, apparently the tengu warped in to be dispatched quickly and the probe was ejected from one of the ships. The only survivor on the A.B.R. Side? A lone Revelation which chose to stay at the POS.
Good Job Lazerhawks. As Forget Myface happily comments, ‘overall super thanks to all our guys.. even the ones who didn’t make it to the fight 😀 they are all kickass’
Arnold Duncan, CEO of A.B.R. was contacted but was unable to comment at this time.
Lazerhawks are definitely one to keep an eye on.