a couple days ago a large wormhole battle took place between Vanguard of the Phoenix and the combined forces of Negative Density (D3nse), Sleeper Social Club (SSC) and No Holes Barred (NoHo). In less than an hour, 53 billion isk was destroyed with barely a scratch on the D3nse/SSC/NoHo side (1 legion down).
This started as an eviction. Negative Density seeking a worthwhile target who could potentially bring a good fight. POS’s were reinforced and Vanguard responded:
Realising help would be needed, the batcall went out with responses from SSC and NoHo. Vanguard failed to maintain hole control letting NoHo seed a subcap fleet and SSC to form unseen on the other side of the wormhole. The fight went down on the static. Vanguard warped in their fleet onto Negative Density, to be surprised by NoHo logging in and SSC jumping through. It appears panic ensued with carriers trying to motor out of the HIC bubble. Over the next 50mins the combined D3nse/SSC/Noho fleet slowly decimated the Vanguard fleet.
Speaking to Zara Arran from Negative Density. Interestingly, she reports that since they gave a good fight, they will not be evicted. Perhaps the next fight will be very different.
A lot of kudo’s to NoHo for coming in without a lot of “but”s and “ifs” and requests.. also they logged off for several hours not knowing they were getting a fight.. so they were the hero’s for me!