This new gameplay trailer has been revealed during the GDC 2014 and Valkyrie seems to be shaping up pretty well:
Industry and Media representatives had the opportunity to try out the game in a deathmatch environment against AI opponents themselves. Articles from a variety of game media outlets indicate that the pre-alpha moved a long way since FanFest 2013, with tweaks to the controls and additions to the battlefields (like asteroids, ships and stations). While interviews hinted that the link to EVE is on the developers mind, it is not something they are currently working on. Their primary focus at the moment seems to make the game a well optimized and really fun ride. Valkyrie is currently scheduled for release in 2014 on the Oculus Rift for PC and on Project Morpheus for PS4.
You can expect more information to be revealed at FanFest and you can also sign up to CCP’s Valkyrie newsletter on the following website: