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Announcements: DustNews24

March 21, 2014

Welcome Soldier,

We are happy to announce the launch of our new sister website http://dustnews24.com where you can find the latest information and developments around EVE Online’s “red headed stepchild”™ DUST 514. Since the game is shaping up into something that is actually enjoyable, we strongly feel that this is the right time to explore the in an outs of ground warfare on this dedicated website. If news regarding DUST 514 are especially noteworthy or cross over into EVE Online (like factional warfare) we will of course continue to keep you posted here.

With the new Uprising 1.8 patch, the CPM elections and of course the upcoming FanFest there are interesting times ahead. But not just the game is in a better shape since its launch, it also formed a formidable community around it. For an FPS game that has a lower player base than EVE, the amount of bloggers, YouTubers, streamers, third party websites and other content providers is considerable. And even with the current limitations, the politics in DUST 514 are well worthy of the old CAOD forums. Also, it might not look like it at first glance, but there a surprising amount of business opportunities within DUST 514 for capsuleers. So if you are curious about these things, or if your boots are already on the ground, this might be the place for you.

There are many things happening on the forums, Reddit, IRC and so on. We will do our best to search through all these sources, filter and bring you a balanced and well informed perspective of what is going on in DUST 514. Sadly a day only has 24 hours, which means we will miss things. But if you would to share something DUST 514 related, be it a news lead or a video on YouTube, or if you can maybe see yourself writing articles for the website: We would be happy to hear from you via [email protected] or the #dn24 channel on irc.coldfront.net. But now you should go and take a look:
