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Battle Report: Solar Fleet Nyx Down!

March 20, 2014

Today a solar fleet nyx died to the hands of NCDOT

Travis Musgrat, one of the main fcs for NCDOT known for his love of hot dropping enemy capitals was flying around to fuel his pos’s in the drone regions. While going around many systems he noticed that a SOLAR nyx had logged in and started taking ships in and out of his hangers. Travis continued fueling his towers but left 1 cloaky alt in system with the nyx.

After finishing his next pos he decided to tab over to see if anything happened with the SOLAR Nyx. Nyx was still in local but to his surprise it wasn’t in the pos anymore. Quickly he opened his dscan and started searching. Sure enough he found that the nyx appeared to be on the station.

He warped at range of the station and indeed found the nyx, which appeared to been loading ships from station into his hanger. Travis quickly ditched his pos work and pinged for Dreads, supers and ghostriders. Ghost riders are archons with a Hictor in their holds. A ”ghostrider” will leave his archon, lock it so nobody can jump in it and then he will go out and tackle what ever the target is.

The NCDOT fleet started jumping 1 mid out and once ready, travis lit his cyno and the NCDOT fleet jumped right on top of the nyx. It didn’t take long for the nyx to be pointed by the ghostriders and his fate was decided.

Nyx Kill

NCDOT fleet returned home safe and Travis continued doing his pos work

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