Approximately six hours ago NCDot were pinged for a rage formup. I rushed to my PC and hopped on comms:
“Foxcats. Max Foxcats go go go.”
Undocking and warping to titan we were bridged to the midway when the fun began:
NCdot forces were swiftly cynoed on top of a SOLAR supercapital fleet and rapidly designated one to be bumped away from the POS the supers had bounced from. The initial in-cyno, a character in a SOLAR renter corp as opposed to one from NCDot’s cyno corp, for NCDot forces was popped so the foxcat fleet had to scramble to reassemble on the FC.
As the super neared the POS supporting INK Apoc/Napocs were bridged in and began bumping the nyx away from the tower. As the nyx was bumped further and further from the POS the supporting SOLAR tengu fleet warped in and began engaging the NCDot/INK forces which had, moments before, jumped in triage to support their foxcats. In between all the chaos the nyx was bumped even further from the POS and NCDot supers began jumping in. Once the supercarriers had arrived, the Nyx rapidly went down.
What followed was a relatively evenly matched fight with both sides calling in reinforcements. The logistics light Foxcat fleet couldn’t engage the Tengus from their choice range of 100km, but neither could the tengus fire through triage reps. It was when the foxcats began burning too far from and the tengus closed range that ships really began popping in earnest. With the result of the battle seemingly up in the air, despite SOLAR’s lost Nyx, both sides called on their allies. Unfortunately for SOLAR AAA’s formup was underwhelming in comparison to Nulli’s, with -A- forming only a 22 man munnin fleet to Nulli/Kadeshi’s 112 man Ishtar fleet. Likewise, the late arrival of 30 RZR – in interceptors – helped seal the battle as SOLAR decided they couldn’t continue battling the 100~ foxcats alongside another 100~ ishtars with their weakened forces.
A video of the fight:
With the triage perspective here: