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Fatal Ascension: Nyx Down in staging system

March 13, 2014

Today a Nyx class supercarrier piloted by Esildra of Fatal Ascension was destroyed by a combined fleet of dreadnaughts and ishtars flown by LowSechnaya Sholupen, No value and U.C.F. Alliance.

This follows on from the fact that on LowSechanya Sholupen’s last visit to the system FA attempted to doomsday one of their thanatos, who managed to jump out 2 seconds before it landed, sparking the interest in a potential bait and kill opportunity for LowSec in the future.

Initial reports are that the Nyx apparently warped to station, to assist in an attempt to clear 4 hostile moroses who were engaged on 3 FA carriers, apparently with aggression flags.
Due to the previous encounter the LowSec pilots fully expected the same FA Erebus to warp to station to remove them from field.

However as the Erebus entered warp, assuming all was okay, a second cyno went up and the rest of the LowSec fleet jumped in, so immediately on land the Erebus successfully jumped out to a safe location. FA assumed all was okay until someone spoke up on comms, stating that his capital was tackled, namely the Nyx who ended up minus his ship and pod. Simply due to the fact that he was poorly fitted and without implants even though the FA fleet was instructed to remove all the capitals off field before he could be killed.

Sadly once the Nyx went down the dreadnaughts of Lowsec and co slowly succumbed to defeat as FA piled more and more out into space removing the hostile support fleet from field before finally finishing off the remaining capitals with additional titans who felt it was safe to finally commit. With local peaking at around 400 pilots.

The butchers bill at the end of the engagement resulted in 14 dreadnaughts lost for LowSec and co against 1 Nyx and 4 carriers destroyed making it a costly engagement. However I imagine it will be LowSec and co who will declare themselves winners for doing so in a hostile staging system.

With the overall battlereport found here for evekill and here for Zkillboard.

Dingos BR fixer can be found here with LowSec and Co as First Team, CFC as Second Team and Misc parties as Third Team.

Next time a similar event occurs I imagine they won’t be so likely to catch their prey but who can really say? This is eve and its endless sandbox afterall.


I’d like to thank Rolemancer and an undisclosed FA pilot for providing the information to put this together. As ever if you feel like you have anything you have just get in touch and we can rectify any mistakes made.