Against ALL Authorities CEO Lahari today addressed the alliance in a meeting at 22:00 GMT to address several important issues following a lengthy period of rumours and speculation on the future of .–A–.
The first item on the agenda related to the impending exit of Australian corporation Kenshin., led by Vlade Randal. Kenshin. was issued an ultimatum and exit timetable following the corporation’s decision to hold an exit referendum after suffering significant losses due to exhaustion and participation issues during the Halloween War and ongoing conflict. Lahari emphasised that all due respect is to be given to Kenshin. following their performance during the war and raised the possibility of cooperation with Kenshin. in the future. The exit of Kenshin. however signifies the loss of the bulk of Against ALL Authorities’ Australian timezone presence, following the exit of Atham Riforge’s Unified Combatants in late January.
Another significant item on the agenda concerned the deployment of Against ALL Authorities and the rest of the StainWagon coalition to their new staging system of Y-FZ5N in Immensea. The alliance was congratulated for their successful attempts to deploy the new station outpost despite the high potential for hostile interference. Against ALL Authorities will continue to run their signature Railgu (Railgun Tengu) and sniper Maelstrom and Rokh doctrines in conjunction with Skilo’s DARKNESS. alliance. The continued search for eligible corporations to bolster .-A-.’s US timezone presence and good recruitment, training and doctrine procedures were also mentioned as issues.
The increased potential for cooperation within the StainWagon coalition was also brought up as an imperative. The suboptimal activity of other members of the Russian coalition was mentioned and attributed to the current standoff in the Crimea between Russia and Ukraine. Lahari emphasised that communication issues within the coalition are currently being resolved and that despite current problems, SOLAR FLEET and Darkness of Despair continue to field strong numbers despite the latter’s restructuring process. The rollout of a new set of modern communications systems (Teamspeak, Jabber and forums) was also announced in addition to further safeguards to prevent espionage attempts on .-A-.
Regarding the continued conflict with N3/PL and the recent entrance of H.E.R.O into the southern region, Lahari expressed defiance against detractors of the alliance who frequently mention the possibility of “.-A-.’s annual return to LGK-VP“, and emphasised that the current imperatives of Against ALL Authorities involve the defense and cleanup of their current sovereignty holdings against “harassment teams” before considering any offensive push. The need to treat potential adversaries H.E.R.O with respect was also mentioned, in addition to the allied Clusterfuck Coalition’s (CFC) movements which include an unspecified “detachment of forces operating in the region”.