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Nulli Secunda – N3 Coalition Update

February 28, 2014

The following was posted by progodlegend on Nulli Secunda internal forums and kindly given to yours truly.




Alright, the date and time is official now, March 1st 18:00 eve time. We will start in UW9 (though Kadeshi is in H-Adoc and HUN’s are in K-MG, it’s all in range). EVERYONE (the alliances coming with us know who they are) needs to be ready to go in UW9 with at least an Ishtar, guardian, and of course the support stuff for Isthar fleet. For people who absolutely can’t make it at 18:00 on Saturday, we will be doing US tz move ops all night, and more move ops all day Sunday, but you really need to try and make it to the 18:00 meeting/op on Saturday so you can hear what we’re doing.

We are going to be doing something crazy and a little different from what you would expect. Canaris and I have been putting the idea together for 6 days now and we are pretty excited about it, so we want to see max numbers from everyone here (this is a move op afterall). While we are doing something unique and unexpected, you shouldn’t worry too much we will definitely be getting our revenge against the Russian centric alliances who took our space, in due time. So, since we have been busting our ass to come up with some cool stuff for you guys to do, and we are only asking that you show up in an Ishtar or guardian (or hictor/dictor, or ceptor, etc. etc.), I expect to see max numbers for the move op .

As was said above, everyone needs to be in UW9 with an Ishtar (and various refit options in the cargohold obviously) and the support ships that go with it. If for some reason you didn’t read the post on Sunday, that means our logistics for this will be guardians, NO ONEIROSs, this means if you are a logi V pilot who can fly a guardian, you better be in one with the fit we have below:

The new guardian fits we have are awesome because they all work off the same rig setup, so we can use the same guardian for all 3 of the different fits we have for various fleets. Our Ishtar fleet uses a duel prop guardian, which we will now fit like this (yes you can put offline mods in the empty high slot, please don’t tell me):
[Guardian, New Duel Prop Guardian 2-24-14 ]
Armor Thermic Hardener II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Reactor Control Unit II

10MN Afterburner II
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I

Large ‘Solace’ Remote Armor Repairer
Medium ‘Regard’ Remote Capacitor Transmitter
[empty high slot]
Large ‘Solace’ Remote Armor Repairer
Medium ‘Regard’ Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Large ‘Solace’ Remote Armor Repairer

Medium Trimark Armor Pump II
Medium Trimark Armor Pump II

Yes, this guardian requires Logi V unfortunately, however so did our oneiros fits so that shouldn’t be an issue anymore. There are ways to make both of our new main guardian fits Logi IV fits, but I want to see how our logi V numbers are first before we go crazy with that kind of shit. I’m going to put the new AB guardian fit below this post just so people can have it, but for now I want people to have the duel prop one ready to go on Saturday.

Because we are switching to guardians only, I really want every logi V guardian pilot to focus for the next two days on getting guardians, as we will need to make sure we have enough logi to run our standard fleets.

Other than having an Ishtar and a guardian ready to go in UW9, you should just make sure your carriers and dreads are there, and get what ships you can of our other main fleet comps there. The market is not seeded, we are waiting til we move to our new staging system before we seed the market, so if you don’t have stuff either import it or do whatever, the new staging system will be well seeded.

For now Domi fleet is pretty much being relegated, if we aren’t flying Ishtars we will probably be in proteus or Eagles. Just make sure you are in UW9 ready to go with Ishtars and guardians.[/quote]

The new nulli staging cited in the update.

It is worth nothing that in the aftermath of O-W the alliances most hurt in the hellcamp and subsequent deadzoning of the system are the ones deliberately staging away from one another, despite the station being in NPC sov. Strategic reasons, perhaps?