Dear EN24 readers,
I would like to proudly present the first ever episode of the new Legacy Of A Capsuleer Podcast that I am hosting. The podcast is a completely new venture for me but with the help of EN24 news crew I hope to present a good quality podcast packed with content and interesting subjects.
For this episode I was able to get a good insight on the invasion of Surely You’re Joking’s C6 wormhole and for this episode I have Pell Helix, the alliance CEO of Surely You’re Joking joining me to talk about what it currently going on.
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Legacy Of A Capsuleer
I truly hope you enjoy the show and stay tuned for Episode 2, which will feature Axloth Okiah from Sleeper Social Club to talk about the invading force perspective and how their plans to invade and evict Surely You’re Joking from their C6 wormhole came about. Episode 2 will be released shortly so stay tuned and in the meantime, enjoy Episode 1.
Greetings & Fly Safe,
– Tyrant Scorn
The back story on these events that led upto the invasion of Surely You’re Joking’s C6 Wormhole:
For a long time Surely You’re Joking has been a well known wormhole entity and has build up a formidable reputation being one of the bigger Wormhole Mercenary alliances, however, on Monday the 11th of February a formidable force consisting of some of the biggest names in wormhole space found their way into Surely You’re Joking’s C6 home system and started their attack.
The invading force consists of at least the following corporations/alliances… and then some…
Sleeper Social Club
Sky Fighters
Verge of Collapse
La Inquisicion Espanola
Kill It With Fire
Grand Sky Wizards
After talking to several people on both sides it became clear that a grudge against Surely You’re Joking had reached a boiling point after Pell Helix posted a Reddit thread (×2738/im_pell_helix_for_9_months_straight_i_havent/). This post seemed to be the final straw and several wormhole entities decided to take this opportunity to invade and burn some towers.
From Surely You’re Joking’s point of view, the invading force was out for revenge; but Surely You’re Joking was well aware that their reputation would come back to haunt them at some point. Over the course of several weeks prior to the invasion, Surely You’re Joking decided to move most of their assets out and continue their ventures from Lowsec.
Surely You’re Joking’s CEO Pell Helix told me that he himself hasn’t been active and operating from the wormhole for at least a year and moved his assets out weeks ago. He said the alliance decided it had to change its game because wormhole space no longer offered them the content they were looking for. So, the decision to invade had come too little too late, and only a hand full of dedicated wormholers remained.
During the initial engagement most of the C6 wormholers got jumped while running sleeper sites and promptly got podded back to highsec, effectively taking away their ability to bring the fight–so for most of the operation the invaders were shooting towers. In response a meeting was called where Pell Helix went through the situation with his alliance but in a twist, had a nice little message for the invading parties. The recording of this meeting can be found here:
After talking to both sides I did get the impression that the invading side took things more serious then the guys from Surely You’re Joking, even the wormhole corporation effected by the invasion didn’t seem to have any harsh words against the Alliance leadership. While they did admit it being a little bit unfair, they realize it was bound to happen and do not mourn the situation at all. So, in honesty, I question who is actually the victor in this situation because Surely You’re Joking seems to be walking with their heads held high while the invaders spend a couple days shooting structures–which in my personal opinion is lacking in content and not a lot of fun at all. Pell Helix at least thinks the future of Surely You’re Joking is very promising and swears on seeing the invading parties again some day, as he put it himself, he is making a list…
Surely You’re Joking Killboards: