As of today killmail verification will be possible without handing over your API details to third parties such as Battleclinic, Zkillboard or Eve-kill thanks to what CCP are calling Carbon REST.
If you do not wish to hand over your characters API to these third parties you now have the option to provide the CREST link, think of it as an individual API for each killmail. The link will be provided in-game and will contain the killmail ID and a generated hash (think of this as if it were a password), The third party then simply has to query EVE Online itself which will evaluate the hash and return saying either “yes this kill actually happened” or “nah bro, stop making up crap”.
Personally I don’t feel I will benefit from this new feature as I’ve no problem with providing limited API to sites such as Zkb however I do see the appeal for people more concerned about their privacy, or if you want to get a killmail verified quickly for bragging rights or….I don’t know, to source it in an EN24 article. Of course for this system to work the popular third parties need to get on board, but I doubt they would want to deprive the player base with another way to gain kills on their boards.
What do you guys think? The original follows.
Defined:”CREST (Carbon REST) is a RESTful hypermediaHTTP API that enables read and write access to parts of the EVE universe”
Hey guys,
You may have noticed in the client when viewing a killmail there was a new option called Copy External Kill Link. Well as of today that link is now live and good to go: When you click on it you should have something like this copied to your clipboard:
The idea behind this endpoint is that it takes a killmail ID and a hash of the killmail and if the hash is right for that killmail ID we return a response with the contents of the killmail. Assuming killboards build in support for it this means you can API verify a killmail without having to give out your API details.
If you run into any problems with this endpoint please let me know here.
Enjoy guys! 😀
Bo Jangles out yo.