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Tri kill Tri Titan

February 8, 2014

Yesterday, Tri killed one of their own titans.


But why?

Rumors sprung up on reddit and failheap shortly after this loss was made known to New Eden’s always attentive capsuleers. The most consistent one has been that Elisriel was killed simply due to a planned departure for Black Legion. Redditers swiftly hopped to Eladriels defense with comments like:

[quote]Gnaw 10 points 14 hours ago
Shitty move by Tri. I’ve known Danilaw (this is his Titan alt) and I’ve had my share of disagreements with him, but he has never been anything but an upstanding member of VoC and was always willing to put hard feelings aside in order to work for a common goal. Shitty move by Tri. [/quote]

[quote]noiserrMinmatar 1 point 11 hours ago
It could be a shitty thing to do by Tri, or it could be that they “gifted” him that titan and he wasn’t giving it back. Anyone know the full story? [/quote]

To help dispel the controversy we sat down with WarGod, leader of Tri, who stated the following:

[quote] WarGod > long story short, he was leaving corp (which is fine) but on his way out, making moves that would seriously jeopardise some of our supers.

WarGod > to the point where the evidence was overwhelming and could not be ignored.[/quote]

The evidence? Cleaning out corp hangars and trying to get other alliance supers to ‘help him kill a tower.’ Elisriel himself has stated he returned all assets following the loss of his Titan.

The killmail itself.

What do you guys think? Who is in the wrong? Drop a comment below!