EN24 discord
sov map

-A- Nyx Down

February 6, 2014

NCdot and friends dropped on a -A- capital fleet doing some structure grinding and managed to catch a Revelation, which died. The subcaps that -A- had on field were quickly dealt with before working on the Rev, and CFC started to form mass Domixes to come save -A-. Strategic bubbles were placed on CFC as they bridged into system and work continued on the Rev.

While the Rev was dying, expert NCdot prober, Quesa, scanned down a Nyx and landed on its location just as it cloaked. Interdictors were warped to the location, and the Nyx was de-cloaked and bubbled.  N3 forces warped off just as the Rev died, and landed on the Nyx and began to shoot it. CFC domi’s came in, but were caught by a bubble. The Nyx died just as the CFC was getting clear of the bubbles.

Burning Napalm provided video footage of the events:


Bobmon was able to get a convo from Travis Musgrat, the NCdot FC running the event:

(8:14:58) UDIE Travis Musgrat: tried to cyno on it
(8:15:01) UDIE Travis Musgrat: they warped
(8:15:19) UDIE Travis Musgrat: quesa probed while we killed all the bs and started on dreads
(8:15:29) UDIE Travis Musgrat: rzr bridged 40km away so we went to the nyx
(8:15:37) UDIE Travis Musgrat: slung them 2-3 times
(8:15:42) UDIE Travis Musgrat: so they couldnt warp down
(8:16:07) [email protected]/fbdad434: k what was the nyx doing?
(8:16:12) [email protected]/fbdad434: killing sbuś?
(8:16:17) UDIE Travis Musgrat: stn
(8:18:20) UDIE Travis Musgrat: we raped their subs
(8:18:50) UDIE Travis Musgrat: like we jumped in supers warped pinged out and back onto subs and dreads
(8:19:14) UDIE Travis Musgrat: quesa probed nyx then had dictors tackled,
(8:19:23) UDIE Travis Musgrat: we killed their support and 1 rev
(8:19:37) UDIE Travis Musgrat: then they bridged in so we left other dreads and went to the nyx
(8:19:50) UDIE Travis Musgrat: slings kpt them about 300km off the entire time

The is just one of many capital kills N3 has inflicted on -A- and RUS forces since the relocation from GXK. Even Provi Block have been getting in on the capital carnage.

However, sov is falling in the south at a rapid rate and CFC/RUS grinding fleets are hard at work shooting 4-5 regions worth of structures.