RZR Military Smugdate
Hi.We have been heckled and trolled for years by the likes of Pandemic Legion and NCdot. On Monday, 27 January 2014, we answered the call and proved them all wrong. We have the courage to put it all on the line and it was a work of art of the highest quality. For years, Razor has gone through highs and lows as FCs come-n-go and leadership changes. Through all of this, we have stood strong and pushed forward through adversity. RAZOR is my home and I cannot be more proud to be a member of this great alliance.
You guys and gals answered the call on Monday and we showed our true colors. If you are a Super or Titan pilot, you now know how important you are in major fight like this. If you are a capital pilots, you also now realize how devastating coordinated dreadnaughts and support carriers can be when employed properly.
I would like to give out special thanks to Roudin and Anharat for taking over the capital stuff on teamspeak after I had to leave on Monday evening. They rallied our pilots and kept it all going and did an awesome job in both relaying orders and bringing in reinforcements. Another shout out goes to Altiar Savien for saving 10 Dollar’s titan in 10% structure in Doril, sacrificing his triage carrier and ass-raping the douche-nozzle Dread group who dropped our friendly titan. Our scout team was exemplary and provided streaming intel about hostile movements. I cannot thank you guys enough for what you do!
To all of the Subcaps in Imperian’s fleet and the guys who joined the fleets to camp hostile staging systems… you guys are fucking space heroes! Some of you guys might not have had the opportunity to enjoy the lag-fest in B-R, but you enabled the destruction of PL/N3’s active titan fleet. The coordination of our other FCs who joined the fray to form reinforcements and help with cynos/intel/relays helped make this day possible.
Razor was in a bad spot 5 months ago. We were directionless and hanging on by a thread. Our FCs, Scout Commanders, capital pilots, subcap heroes, SRP & logi professionals came together and forged a new direction for the military future of this alliance. You guys made this happen. You worked together and supported each other to make this happen. I couldn’t be more proud.
:smug: B-R, PL’s Staging System is Razor Sovereignty :smug:
Going forward over the next few weeks, there will be a huge amount of stuff happening in this war.
Feel free to discuss in the comment section below!