With fighting in Vale of the Silent bringing more attention to them then they would have liked, Insidious Empire (EMP) decided this past week to move to Delve. Already it would seem that the new deployment is getting off on the wrong foot with 30+ billion lost in KFIE-Z.
The story begins with EMP forming up a Dominix fleet with dreadnought support to reinforce a old Pizza (now Black Legion) pos in PR-8CA, and in the process fended off a small bomber fleet lead by Wheniaminspace of WOMYN. While the tower was being reinforced, The Initiative was contacted to see if they could lend any aid to catch EMP and force a fight.
Wheniaminspace was able to tackle the EMP fleet repeatedly upon return to their staging system to slow them down. The Initiative forming up very quickly were able to make it into EMP’s staging system with some Walltreipers Alliance in fleet, and drop any stragglers with about 40 Dominix’s. Getting a couple of kills in the process.
Now with EMP making it back to dock up their fleet, it was then re-pinged to equip one set of long range drones plus two sets of short range drones in their Dominix’s. On their undock, EMP cleared any bubbles and warped to the system gate in an effort to catch The Initiative/Walltreipers Alliance. EMP attempted to tackle but was unable to before The Initiative/Walltreipers Alliance warped off to a belt. A cyno was killed by EMP and their fleet recon got a warp-in at 80 km away from the other fleet. It was then at this point drones were dropped and the fleets started to exchange fire.
Triage from EMP was warped to their fleet (not cyno’ed) but the fleet lost their FC Kurator before the triage landed. The Initiative/Walltreipers Alliance also called in triage support in return. Exchange was fairly even till Black Legion bombed EMP and killed most of their long range drones which removed most of their damage. EMP warped dreads to make up for the lost dps, and had their pilots reshipping as they died. The Initiative/Walltreipers Alliance then dropped dreads of their own and continued to exchange fire until EMP’s dreads attempted to de-aggress. Any Surviving Dominix’s used their MJD’s to escape and docked up.
Welcome to Delve EMP.