Wormhole life is oft viewed by us K-Spacers, what wormhole residents call standard space, as full of paranoia and suspicion. And indeed it is. However, one WH alliance let their guard down for a short 24 hours and payed the price. Quebec United Legion, known by most of us for their participation in the last alliance tournament, recruited a former member of Fallen Supremacy, a pirate corp, who had left following a corp theft costing the corp eight billion ISK. In the words of Glitch Lampshade, a member of Fallen Supremacy, the event unfolded as such:
Glitch Lampshade > so basically
Glitch Lampshade > one of our directors, decided to leave
Glitch Lampshade > and stole like 8bn in isk ( we have a c5 WH as well as being a you know pirates )
Glitch Lampshade > so naturally we were annoyed but one of our members who is kinda awesome
Glitch Lampshade > left on his main joined a wh corp and we stole 24bn from them within 24 hours
Glitch Lampshade > the operation consisted of us scrambling to get people through 3 WH
Glitch Lampshade > where he would warp a ship out of the pos to entrance of the WH
Glitch Lampshade > we would jump and move it through hisec, we are all pirates so moving expensive fit bhaalgorns through highsec was horrible
Glitch Lampshade > proteus were about 1.5bn each
Glitch Lampshade > thats half the HALF the loot tbh
Glitch Lampshade > few Lokis,
Glitch Lampshade > scanning ships
Glitch Lampshade > few more T3 and general deimos and stuff
Glitch Lampshade > ummmm
Glitch Lampshade > basically their security in space was awful
Glitch Lampshade > because they saw us doing it one guy was logged in couldnt do anything[/quote]
During the heist a minor complication happened when:
[quote]Glitch Lampshade > our HS wh shut ( have you ever had the butt clenching moment of moving a 3bn Bhallgorn through highsec into HEK[/quote]
[quote]Glitch Lampshade > so we found a null sec in curse and used that to ferry stuff through [/quote]
Following the heist a member of the robbed corporation sent the following mail:
[quote]insurance list 😉
From: Samalekk
Sent: 2014.01.16 22:17
To: cklm,
Could you send me the complete list of what you took so that we can re-buy our stuff…
thx [/quote]
A picture of the holding toons wallet can be seen here.
The yet to be sold assets in Jita.
We here at EN24 would like to extend our congratulations to Glitch Lampshade and his corpmates for a heist well done. Glitch thanked his 5-6 corpmates and praised them for the heist.
Author’s note: All edits done to the interview were made to improve legibility and reflect accurate spelling of ship hulls.