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**UPDATED**Internal Leak: BL Kicking Thorn Syndicate

January 17, 2014

We have received intel that Black Legion. is kicking THORN Syndicate.

(8:06:55 PM) [email protected]/AnyEvent::XMPP2: *** Broadcasted Message from elo_knight *** : thorn ppl pls move ur stuff out of k3j.

According to internal sources THORN was already asked to leave by the end of the month, but apparently during a recent CTA they only had 1 member in fleet…while 5 were playing DOTA on Black Legion. comms. Elo apparently decided to cut  it short, and has deleted their channels from teamspeak and removed director roles from the same.

<20:14:18> Channel “Thorn Syndicate” was deleted by “Elo”

<20:14:30> “Sethony” was removed from server group “Director” by “Elo”.

<20:14:32> “Muul Udonii” was removed from server group “Director” by “Elo”.

That is all we have received so far, but it appears lack of participation is the overall reason, based on the intel.

I have sent mails out for any official confirmation, as they are still showing to be in BL. at the time of this post and will update this as the story develops.


The CEO of THORN was nice enough to give an official statement:

[03:28:07] nairu krop > official statement is… we have loved our time in BL
[03:28:10] nairu krop > and
[03:29:18] nairu krop > Burnout happens, the amount of effort needed to try and stay in BL was not gonna happen for us

When asked about the DOTA incident during a CTA:

[03:30:01] nairu krop > yeah, dota2 is a great game, that shit is fun
[03:31:33] JustSharkbait > i appreciate the convo. any plans on what you are going to do now?
[03:32:48] nairu krop > we are looking into a new alliance that better fits our… lifestyle needs
[03:33:14] nairu krop > most guys have family and stuff irl, so the hardcoreness of BL can be overwhelming for a casual player base
[03:34:05] JustSharkbait > Anything else you would like to add?
[03:34:57] nairu krop > yes but i wont! because im not a little whiney bitch