A Razor Alliance Aeon has died not too long ago to the hands of the N3 Coalition.
One of Fraternity.’s SBU’s got shot, with the ongoing war SBU’s under attack messages are not very new so Fraternity. ordered one of their pilots to move a cyno interceptor to the system to take a look. The interceptor found 6 Razor supers shooting the SBU but then they warped out when seeing him enter system. This got the FC’s interested and contact was quickly made with the rest of N3 to see if they could give it a try. FC’s asked the ceptor pilot to leave system while another character started to move a sabre with probes to the system.
The sabre pilot landed on the gate and jumped in. No supers where on grid and he quickly checked his Dscan, where to his surprise supers started appearing. This meant that the supers were warping back to the SBU and so he prepared. Supers landed and the sabre pilot started burning towards them. Unfortunately he was just a little too late and the full fleet warped off. Quickly the sabre pilot dropped his probes and got a 100% scan result of an Aeon. He warped to it but the grid was empty, he burnt around and sure enough decloaked the Aeon and bubbled it. Upon hearing that the sabre had the aeon tackled, the interceptor jumped back in and warped at 70km off the sabre and lit his cyno. N3 Hictors and Dictors jumped in and secured the tackle within seconds.
A herocat (high damaged dealing shield tanked Tempests with heavy neuts) fleet was formed by N3 and quickly undocked and warped to the titan. Titan pilot bridged and the herocats slowly started to chew through the fully tanked aeon.
To save the aeon, Razor FC’s formed a Muninn fleet to try and volley tackle of the field. A cyno magnate that was previous used to cyno in the group of supers warped to the tackled aeon and lit his cyno. Unfortunately he was dragged into bubbles and in range of the herocats, so only 5 muninns jumped in on grid and the rest got scattered across the system because the magnate died. Muninns relocated themselves in system and warped back ongrid but kept 80km off the N3 fleet. Herocats have 2 heavy neuts fitted so the aeon finally ran out cap making his hardeners go offline, meaning that the tank of the aeon was all but useless and it shorty died to the gun power of the herocats.
N3 aligned and warped out as soon as the aeon died and went home in peace.