Breaking news out of I-NGI8:
Local is currently at 1600 with N3 forces fighting -A- and friends. Right now, it appears as though some blap dreads and triage carriers are on the field for NCdot in support of their Navy Apoc fleet. TiDi is at 10% and the node is getting noticeably stressed. I will get more details as I get them, and I’m working on getting some local scans and such but nothing is responding too good at the moment.
*Update 1*
Here is the current D-Scan and local scan
It is too early to tell who is winning, but battleships from both sides have been dying. Some CFC alliances are here as well, but I have not seen what they are in yet.
*Update 2*
There is a break in the fighting, N3 is going for the SBU’s, local is around 1400 now.
Fleet comps on field:
NCdot and PL: Navy Apocs
Nulli: Ishtars
BL.: Tengus and a bomber wing
RZR: Oracles
-A-/DD and friends: Typhoon fleet and Tengu Fleet
*Update 3*
It appears as though the fight is over for now. The killboards are still updating, but N3 holds the field and is finishing off the SBUs. From the -A-/DD side the Typhoon fleet was devastated, and the Tengu fleet took some loses. From the N3 side it appears the PL Navy Apoc fleet took noticeable losses at the beginning of the fight before the reps caught. The Ishtar fleet took steady loses as well. Only one Ncdot dread died according to the kills so far, and there was no further escalation by either side.
I believe this fight was prompted by the SBU’s getting close to coming online and the DD/-A- fleet arrived in system to attempt to reinforce it. For now, the system is safe.