I’m going to make this quick.
Sometimes, I feel like Youtube is built on the premise of “if you’re gonna do something dumb, why not videotape it.” So many of its more entertaining videos are built around people doing crazy, stupid, or flat-out illegal things. Sometimes those things go viral and suddenly people become famous for all the wrong reasons. But particularly when you’re doing something illegal, why would you need video proof? And if you needed video proof, why oh why oh why would you upload the video proof to the Internet?
And that brings me to Poetic Stanziel. A minute or so after I publish this post, I’m going to be removing him from the list of blogs on the right side of the screen, but I thought I’d point to the truly genius-level post that prompted it. Here it is, in which Poetic Stanziel advertises that he’s clearly way smarter than CCP and he RMT’ed all of his PLEXes from the sale of his assets including his main. At this point, he declares he has nothing but contempt for CCP and for EVE Online’s players. Go give it a read.
Now, there’s not a lot in this piece that isn’t flavored with wrong, but there’s two particular wrongs that I’d like to focus on:
And again, I’m gonna make this quick, but let’s look at both of these.
Here’s what Poe says about the first thing:
Now CCP can correct me if I’m wrong, this is only supposition, but I think items are only directly attached to players if they are a top-level item. Items inside ships and containers are lower-level items. If you place an item in a container, that item’s owner is the container. The container’s owner is the player. So anything in a container is directly owned by that container and indirectly owned by the container’s owner (the player.) The container is the top-level object, anything inside the container are low-level objects.
I think CCP, perhaps due to the way their database is structured, only looks for top-level malfeasance.
And this is so ridiculously wrong that all I can do is shake my head in wonder. Ten minutes spent with JEVEassets would convince anyone that this “supposition” is not only wrong, but is freakishly wrong. But Poe apparently blithely proceeded on it.
The second bit, though, is even more entertaining. The problem with Poe’s PLEX sale is that people have known for a while now generally where Poe lives. And the only way to sell that number of PLEXes he’s talking about in that kind of magnitude is on eBay. And there are only so many illegal PLEX sales on eBay. And there are only so many people who live in the country that Poe lives in selling PLEXes on eBay. And it wasn’t that hard for three separate people to contact me, point to the very same eBay account, and say, “you know, I think this is Poe.”
So that eBay account has been passed along to CCP. It has the dates and times of multiple PLEX sales, and has correlating dates and times of the positive comments left by those who purchased the PLEXes, presumably after they received them that can be used with a fair degree of accuracy to determine the source and destination of the PLEXes.
Poe still has one media EVE account… he’s said so. I don’t have any inside facts, but I think we can guess what’s gonna happen to it. And if you were dumb enough to buy PLEXes on eBay — particularly these PLEXes? — chances are pretty good you’re going to see your wallet drain to negative numbers.
If you’re gonna do something dumb…
If you would like to read more we invite you to visit his blog here.