Yesterday the following ping was send out to the general FA memberbase.
(10:13:47 PM) [email protected]/xmpphp:
### BROADCAST TO All ###
noun: rumour; plural noun: rumours; noun: rumor; plural noun: rumors1.
a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth.
“they were investigating rumours of a massacre”
synonyms: gossip, hearsay, talk, tittle-tattle;Hi folks,
Once again let me say awesome work recently in Fountain, we’ve been doing some great fleets lately, bringing home the bacon for us and our allies while having some fun (even though its a lot of pos shooting!), and things are starting to run pretty smoothly round here. We have some great new people in the team of “folk that get shit done”, more are on the way in, and we’ve got some exciting new projects in the pipeline.
Amidst all this positivity, I regretfully offer a nugget of cold hard shit. I just became aware that a member of FA by the name of ‘elite god’ who, after being relieved of his responsibility running a SIG some time back for generally being too much drama and too little effectiveness got real buttmad about it and has now been going round spreading some really toxic lies about FA leadership in a bid to poach members for a new alliance he has planned in some NPC region or other.
As many of you hopefully know by now, I run a pretty open and honest ship, and frequently make it clear that if people have issues they should speak up, if they have concerns or questions they should ask. We have been running a series of informal meetings with each corp lately to create chances to do just that, and so we can find new talent and get it involved in taking FA forward. IF your corp hasn’t had one yet, you should hear from us soon, feel free to suggest a good time!
If someone heard a rumor like “OAR-G has been embezzling from the alliance, the rest of the HC know about it and are doing nothing”, and then they came to me and asked about it, I’d be fine with that question. I’d spit my beer out when I heard it, because it is utterly ridiculous and untrue, but I certainly wouldn’t shit on the guy for asking.
elite god did not take this approach, instead he snuck around wormtounging, and almost certainly made the shit he was spreading up just to try to drive wedges in.
We don’t need that kind of poison in our alliance. This is FA, we aim to be chill bros that club together to get stuff done, play internet spaceships and make our alliance better. Some of our newer members have been telling me how much they see this and like it, and holy shit have they been showing their appreciation through activity.
If you have a problem with FA like elite god does, if you have maybe heard some really nasty rumours and have doubts as a result about the intentions and character of the leadership, and you are thinking about maybe spreading those rumours and concerns around – you have two choices:
1. Come ask us about it, we’ll set the record straight honestly as best we can. I’ll be in teamspeak in an open channel for the next while eating my dinner, feel free to drop by. We can clear that shit right up or we can address it if there are genuine issues. Then we can go on being an excellent alliance to be part of. Can’t come tonight? Grab a diplo sometime, or me, or one of the increasing number of members of the advisory board.
2. Get the fuck out.
Elite god failed to choose one of the above options, and instead went for “be a faggot, make more shit up, ignore anyone trying to set you straight and go round deliberately undermining FA and shitting on the efforts everyone is making for it”. As a result he has just been kicked from the alliance. Fuck that guy.
I’ll be in TS3, maybe speak to you there.
### Sent by: [XFHX] Loquitur on 10/29/13 : 22:13:40 ###
more drama to come!