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Pro Tip: Multiple Info Tabs with and without changing Settings

February 20, 2017

“Pro Tip” is a new EN24 column in which we’ll feature useful, interesting, or curious stuff for our readers. We hope this information will improve your in-game experience.

Today we bumped into a interesting video by Killtec, in which he elaborates on how to easily open multiple info tabs/windows at the same time. Having the ability to open multiple windows simultaneously can be extremely useful when you want to compare items side by side. He also demonstrates how to set your client up to default to this type of behavior if it is something you really like.

EVE News 24 is always on the lookout for content of all types. If you have something you want to share with all of New Eden or  question you would like an answer to then please contact us at [email protected] or click on the discord button on the sidebar.