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INGAME EVENT: Pew4Reps Fleet – May 29th

May 13, 2016

The following post was written by FullMetalTS1. For more information about this event please check out his forum post

Alright people, i’m back and im having another fleet!

form up : jita 4-4
time: 1900
Date: May 29th
fleet comp: TBA

So as we all know this fleet is meant to raise awareness for suicide and depression. This fleet, in particular, is going to be in honor of my good friend in Eve, his ‘brother-in-law” hung himself a few weekends ago. As for the details of it, I am not sure if he was depressed or what led to the him doing so, but I am also not going to ask because it is none of my business. So this fleet is in honor of him, and to all the people we have lost over the years. They are all missed and loved.

Remember guys, suicide doesn’t solve your problems, it passes them off to your friends and family and creates more stresses for them. And they will miss you.

There are people out there that will always listen to you for you. Some may have advice, some may just listen and let you vent, but there is always someone out there. So if you or someone you know is having problems, please talk to them and make sure they know you are there.

Anyways, please help spread the word about the fleet, and please help raise awareness of depression and suicide.