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SMA Under Pressure In Fade As Director Resigns

March 31, 2016

With the Imperium’s collective might  focused on the battle of M-OEE8 in Tribute, a force from Pandemic Horde decided to take advantage of this momentary lull in the Imperium’s defences. Horde slipped behind SpaceMonkey’s Alliance [SMA] lines and began operations to entosis infrastructure the SMA home region of Fade. A battle which is ongoing at this time.

However, it appears SMA’s woes haven’t ended there. A thread entitled: ‘He was in it to Winet‘ leaked onto Reddit earlier today and appears to be a screenshot of the SMA  forums announcing that the Skymarshall and a Director of SMA, Winet, is stepping down.


Winet has been a controversial character since his recent return to SMA. He has been the subject of multiple drama posts appearing on various sites. The SMA member count has also declined sharply in recent months since his return, though the two are not necessarily related.

SMA Numbers

But perhaps his most controversial action, and the which has been cited as one of the many starting factors for the Northern War, was an accusation by Winet that the gambling website IWANTISK was involved in real money trading. The accusations resulted in a number of high ranking members and bankers of the gambling site becoming banned. Ultimately, all were subsequently unbanned, but IWANTISK wanted revenge.

IWANTISK went on to hire a number of mercenary groups including Tishu, Mordus Angels, the OSS and Pandemic Horde. Their demands were simple:

  1. 10,000 ISK
  2. Fire Winet
  3. exRiver must eat a “bag of candy dicks,” live on stream

However the demands were not met and SMA went on to lose their holdings in Cloud Ring after a few weeks of fighting.

Winet himself has yet to comment on the reason for his resignation, other than to state “Reddit didn’t do it”. With SMA under such pressure from the Allied Anti-Imperium forces in Fade there has been speculation that forces from both inside and outside of SMA led to the change.

Will this leadership shuffle be enough to turn SMA’s fortunes in Fade? The next few days and weeks will tell.