While in the process of upgrading Tranquility, CCP has decided to shutdown EVElopedia. EVELopedia will be replaced by the new help center and the flight academy videos that CCP Costumer team has produced.
Of course there are always alternatives for the WiKi such as the EVE University Wiki and the Brave Newbies wiki, plus the availability of more up to date static data from the EVE Universe via CREST. The reason given for shutting the EVELopedia down is that CCP felt that the life cycle of the page had run its course and that it was time to move on from hosting it.
For those worried about all the player hosted content on the EVELopedia, don’t be because CCP is not going to delete te current data but instead has created an archive of all content that is currently hosted on the EVELopedia. The archive can be downloaded here ((102MB Download).
The EVElopedia also contained a large amount of official backstory reference material and the prime faction that has been created by both CCP and the ISD Mercury division. This material will be relocated to a new home so that it will remain accessible.
The EVElopedia will be closed after the extended downtime on Monday, The 29th of February.