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Submission: The Witch Hunt That Is SMA

January 26, 2016

Disclaimer: The following piece was submitted by Streetshot. Opinions stated in this article are his and do not reflect those of Evenews24.com

Space Monkey’s Alliance, also known as SMA, is the second largest alliance in the game. Yet in their struggle to compete with the Goonswarm Federation they have in a sense caused their own destruction. Recently an alliance Director EX Winet Came back to the game. The guy was already crazy before his break, but now he is being literally insane. So he comes back and starts making some changes, and literally starts saying F*** you to the diplo team. Winet proceeded to begin the Right Click Kick campaign. He started off by kicking corps if he couldn’t get a director or CEO online. Then it progressed even further. Call it stupidity or madness or something, he began to systematically go through corps APIs and began to form “Winets List.” The first list which I have attached to this article shows senior members of the diplo team and senior members of Skyteam. In his opinion they were all spies and deserved to be kicked. SMA’s diplo team didn’t tell the people on the list that they were on the list but they conducted individual investigations on each and every person to clear their name. Winet meanwhile was demanding they be kicked. In multiple cases each player was found to be innocent and Winet had to be circumvented by other members of the directorate in order to prevent the innocent from getting kicked.

Fast forward a month.

Winet has had his corp kicking powers removed. However, “Winet’s List” continued. Every week Winet would submit a list to Senior Diplomats concerning new arrivals to SMA and anyone he thought was a spy should be kicked. Again, the diplomatic team consulted each person and formed investigations. The diplo team cleared most of the characters and found no issues. Once again Winet’s authority had to be circumvented. Winet’s return to SMA has caused more drama and destruction than the I Want Isk bullshit. Winet alone has brought more negativity to SMA because of his failure to be a diplomat which he clearly is not. On one occasion Winet called an emergency form up to save a tackled carrier only to curse the guy out for ratting in a carrier in the first place and then told them they actually formed up only to not come save him. Once the fleet stood down he pulled the CEO into the director room only to Right Click kick from the server. Once the CEO came back to the server Winet proceeded to continue the onslaught as to why the CEO let his member’s rat in carriers. Then came the No Ratting In Carrier’s policy.

Last week.

Winet has formed the SMA Internal Investigation squad formed up by Kyle Arpathos, the former SMA Chief of staff. All Spy investigations are to be conducted by Kyle and his team and they report to Winet. Why would he do this you ask? Simply put, Winet wants people who side with him and will enforce his rule. Winet doesn’t think the diplomats should do investigations simply because the senior diplomats have countered his orders because they question the ethical decision making of the Alliance Director.

All this turmoil is going on behind closed doors but the lower diplo staff have to go out and recruit. SMA diplos actively tell people about how great the alliance is. How awesome the family lifestyle is and how SMA is stable. SMA is not stable at all. The tissue campaign, the KOS insurgency, and the Moa presence are greatly affecting SMA operations. Individual’s corporations are having great difficulty keeping members engaged but the pure industry corps are having trouble operating do to the near constant strat ops. When SMA calls the 3 or 4 daily strat ops the industry corps have to dock up and not mine. If they can’t mine or rat then they can’t do what they love. If they are caught then guess what, you’re yelled at by the mentally unstable Alliance Director Ex Winet.

SMA is a ghost of its former self. You’ll see in the coming days a mass purge of people, all inactives. Corps will be purging about 600 inactive bodies to reduce their taxes for the month. The typical “SMA is failscading” reddit posts will appear, signalling to many that the mass exodus from SMA has begun. The truth is its already begun by losing Kaos Theory which was a huge blow to the alliance and then the Banker war hasn’t helped. SMA will claim to be winning that one but in reality the membership isn’t happy and CEOs are actively considering leaving.
