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Battle Report Round Up: YPW-M4 Special

October 17, 2015

Its not often in New Eden that two coalitions go toe to toe in a Super Capital fight, and it is even rarer that they duke it out in such a massive battle. With so many pilots and so many alliances taking part in the battle, the wealth of video evidence of one of the greatest battles in recent history is to be anticipated. This is a special round up of those videos which seem to offer the viewpoint of almost every major participant in the fight:

Triumvirate. Interdictor PoV


Interdictors are one of the most important ships in Null Security space battles, doubly so when Capitals and Super Capitals are present. Triumvirate. [TRI], fighting on the Drone Regions Federation (DRF)’s side did its part in helping to keep as many hostile Super Capitals trapped while Legion of xXDEATHXx [X.I.X] and its allies deployed their counter on the field.

Legion of xXDEATHXx Scout PoV


Scouts, specifically Covert Ops Frigate who can probe and give warp ins to the fleet are an important asset in any fight. They also allow players to have a commanding view of the battle with less risk as they sit there cloaked, awaiting orders and relaying information. This also allows them to make videos showing the battle from a bird’s eye view.

Red Alliance Support Fleet PoV


This point of view of the battle from its start by a Red Alliance [RED] pilot, a member of Red Menace Coalition (RMC) and showing the desperate struggle between the two coalitions as well as the rapid escalation in a well edited video is something I quite recommend watching.

Soviet-Union Support Fleet PoV


Stain-Wagon Coalition (SW) was also present on the field, helping the RMC against the DRF. This video, taken from one of its member alliance line members shows both the initial engagement in the YPW-M4 system before moving to the U-QVWD system where (SW) trapped the Northern Coalition. [NC] Super Capital fleet, which resulted in another huge fight.


Music Clip of the Entire Engagement


Found this gem on reddit, this clip does a fairly good job summing up the event to a somewhat up beat music.

Salivan Harddin is a member of Reikoku, Pandemic Legion, and covers battles across New Eden