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Low Sec Rumble: Pandemonium in Agoze

October 11, 2015

Agoze system, Placid region. On the 10th of October at 20:00 EVE Standard Time, Pandemic Legion [-10.0], Northern Coalition. [NC] and Pandemic Horde [REKTD] forces clashed with Spectre Fleet in the system.

The battle began after Spectre Fleet formed up a large Battlecruiser fleet in the Stacmon system of Placid. Spectre Fleet managed to reach a fleet of 230 pilots flying in Hurricane Fleet Issue Battlecruisers, as well as a large number of Caracal Cruisers. This large force set out towards the Gallente-Caldari war zone, hoping that the inhabitants of the nearby regions would form up against them, as the regions are populated by such strong alliances as Shadow Cartel [SHDWC] and Snuffed Out [B B C].

Pandemic Legion which had deployed to the war zone as well took up the challenge and formed a 100 pilot Ishtar Heavy Assault Cruiser fleet. Pandemic Horde also had a 50 pilot Ferox Battlecruiser gang out. Northern Coalition. got wind of the fleet as well, and hearing Pandemic Legion were en-route to intercept the fleet formed its own Ishtar fleet, 60 pilots in total.

These 3 fleets converged on the Agoze system as the movements of the Spectre Fleet force were relayed to them. There on the Vey gate Pandemic Legion and Pandemic Horde fleets managed to intercept the Spectre Fleet ships. Both sides anchored up and quickly started the fire exchange, commencing the fight.

From the get go the battle did not go quite as expected for both sides. Due to Low Security space mechanics, it was impossible to pin down any of the fleets, and the Vey gate saw the three fleets ping and re-ping constantly as they shuffled on and off the field in an attempt to keep distance, at least from the Pandemic Legion’s side as Spectre Fleet Hurricane Fleet Issue numbers proved too great for the Pandemic Legion’s Logistics wing to handle. This caused several Ishtars to be simply volleyed by the immense damage output.

However, the swarm of drones from the Pandemic Legion’s side also proved overwhelming, shredding Battlecruisers and Cruisers alike. With Northern Coalition. forces arriving on the scene the fight became ever more chaotic. The fleets continued to maneuver around each other, Spectre Fleet trying to close the distance while the other fleets doing the opposite and attempting to increase it.

As time wore on losses began stabilizing on both sides and after a while and with all sides bloodied, Pandemic Legion decided to call it quits, withdrawing from the fight. With Pandemic Legion gone, both Pandemic Horde and Northern Coalition. soon followed. Leaving the field to Spectre Fleet.

Spectre Fleet having gotten the fight it searched for also returned to its staging, bringing an end to the fighting.

Video of the Battle from the Spectre Fleet PoV

Battle report for the Agoze system can be found here.

All told the battle lasted 30 minutes with Time Dilation being a noticeable issue and effecting the battle, swaying between 70% to 20%. Local reached approximately 430 pilots during the height of the engagement.

Pandemic Legion and Pandemic Horde lost 28 ships for a total of 3.61 Bil ISK damage. Spectre Fleet lost around 29 ships for a total of 5.07 Bil ISK damage. Northern Coalition. 13 ships for a total of 2.55 Bil ISK damage.

Salivan Harddin is a member of Reikoku, Pandemic Legion, and covers battles across New Eden