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Bring More “Content” with New Content Packs!

October 2, 2015

At the end of September CCP introduced a new option for people wanting to try out EVE Online – Content Packs. Each content pack includes items and skillbooks befitting the chosen profession and represent different aspects of EVE Online: PvP, industry, exploration and planetary interaction. Each content pack costs 5$ (Or your regional equivalent) and the aim of this feature seems to be to improve NPE (New Player Experience) through clear direction and proper equipment in the chosen field.

Current line of content packs includes:

Skirmisher – Focused around Minmatar, providing PVP-fitted Breacher Frigate and missile skillbooks.


Industrialist – Focused around Amarr, providing minerals, fitted Sigil Industrial, 2 BPOs and industry skillbooks.


Explorer – Focused around Caldari, providing fitted Heron Frigate and scanning skillbooks.


Colonist – Focused on Gallente, providing fitted Ephital Industrial ship, 4 command centers and planetary interaction skillbooks.

Additionally, each pack include 750 Aurum points and colored scheme ‘Esquire’ coat.

The content packs are available to purchase through Account Management on the EVE Online website, under Services tab.

What do you think about these content packs? Please share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below.