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Limited support for Windows XP and Vista.

September 12, 2015

March or die

Two years ago CCP Bayesian (Software Engineer) mentioned on the EVE forums, that only 10-15% of the player-base are still using Windows XP and Vista [Link]. From that time, the numbers of XP and Vista users has been slowly lowering, so it should not be a change that effects a large group of players.

What is interesting, is the implication of that decision. Windows and Vista have been holding back EVE graphics for many years, but now as they won’t be supported any longer CCP could move to better graphic engines.

It is also worth a mention that it is the end of some era. EVE was launched on Windows XP and quickly after upgraded to support Windows Vista as well. The fact that we are leaving these outdated OS behind indicates how different current EVE is from its first iterations.

CCP Falcon announced:

Starting on September 15th 2015, Windows XP and Windows Vista will be placed in limited support.

This means that certain new features, as well as changes to existing content in EVE Online may not function or perform correctly on these platforms, and certain issues experienced only by users of limited support operating systems may not be resolved.

One current example of this is the offline installer. While the regular (online) installer will work on Windows XP and issues related to it will receive support from development, the offline installer will not.

Users of limited support operating systems may be advised to consider fully supported operating systems to resolve any technical issues that arise.

If you do experience technical issues with EVE Online, please contact customer support, who can best advise you with resolving any issues you encounter.

Link to the CCP announcement.