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Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #13

September 8, 2015

It’s that time of the week where I have spent hours upon hours of trawling through YouTube to bring you the BEST (well, in my opinion anyway) videos that the Eve Community has to offer. So here we go!

#1  Eve Online: Night_Zer0 (CynoHunter)

Black Ops, or BLOPs, is considered by many the pinnacle of small gang warfare. Its uses are wide and varied from rapid response defence of home territory, to systematic psychological warfare against a neighbouring enemy, performing hit and run strikes against unsuspecting targets. The tactics employed and the time investment in skills and ships is second only to that of capital ships. In this video we follow Martino Fabbro as he dual boxes both a hunting tech 3 cruiser to catch his targets and the heavy hitting black ops battleship to kill the target both solo and with some friends. What makes this video great is the explanation of the tactics.

#2 Eve Online: Doomsday Effects (with sounds)

The art team at CCP is at it again, now with some updates to the titan doomsday effects, as if they weren’t impressive enough already!


So the alliance tournament is now over, and YouTube is awash with videos of fights from the point of view of the contestants. In this particular video Nika NOisER, who at the time was piloting for the Afterlife, gives a good idea what sort of frantic work goes in to being a logistics pilot during the alliance tournament matches.

#4 TRI vs LAWN skirmish

What would be a video round up without a good ol’ fleet brawl? This particular video ticks all my criteria for what makes a good fleet video; raw comms (warts and all), good zoomed out perspective, and a bit of music to add that bit of atmosphere.

#5 Black Legion. – o7

With all of Black Legion’s recent drama this video popped up on reddit as someone’s retrospective of their times in the alliance, including all the great kills, and the funny mistakes.

#6 Pandemic Legion – Big Game Hunting

Pandemic Legion recently scored themselves a couple of titan kills. This video follows the fleet that hunted them down and scored the final kill.

Do you have any videos that either you have made or watched that you think are particularly good? If so, please feel free to submit them to me on twitter @TiberiusStarGaz or via in game mail, until next week!