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Bling Barghest Goes Boom (twice)

August 25, 2015

Barghests have recently seen quite an upturn in usage. Several alliances have started using them as fleet battleships – which makes a lot of sense – they have great DPS and a solid tank. When fitted with T2 modules and cruise missiles you have a force to be reckoned with, albeit quite pricey. A standard fit will set you back around 750mil in the current market.

What if you spent thirteen times that? Would you get a ship 13 times better?

One player, Voltrix, certainly thought that an expensive fit would reap rewards. But on Sunday 23rd August at 13:35 it must have been painfully clear to him that the risk wasn’t going to pay off:


We contacted Voltrix later that day, and he agreed to talk to us about this loss after he got some sleep – we’re as of yet unable to get hold of him.

However we did get a response from one of the V.e.G.A team who were responsible for the kill. Here’s what EMmanuel TopTS had to say:

It was Tiffanbrill who initially found the Barghest in TXW-EI. Unfortunately by the time we had set up our small camp in 8V-SJJ, which is two jumps out, the Barghest had vanished.

After a while the guy showed up again and warped directly to the out-gate, which had a drag bubble on it. He got caught next to moon schlampi‘s hero-tackle-caracal but he managed to cloak before he was tackled. This gave us time to form our own fleet to hunt the Barghest down.

However even after 20 minutes he was still cloaked on grid and de-cloaking him became impossible. This was when our FC Azrael Kumamato reshipped to a cloaky tackler and called for the fleet to jump the gate, as it might persuade the Barghest to de-cloak and warp off. The fleet now in K5-JRD reproached and everything went according to plan until the Barghest de-cloaked barely outside tackle range. As the fleet jumped back into 8V-SJJ he warped off to a celestial. With four warp-able objects in line it was a gamble but by chance everyone picked the correct one.

Daryl Kvothe was the first one on grid, landing right next to the Barghest and scramming him. Voltrix managed to warp in his tackle alt (https://zkillboard.com/kill/48635744/) but at this point it was too late. Capacitor warfare from Lomiron‘s curse and the rest of the dps landing was too much for the Barghest to handle.

The guy got podded to high-sec where he proceeded to buy the same set-up again losing it to someone baiting on the Jita station.

The last line of  EMmanuel TopTS account demonstrates the faith Voltrix has in that bling Barghest fit. Exactly two and a half hours later this happened:


We think this time the market lacked sufficient Officer Ballistic Control Systems to enable Voltrix to replicate the original fit.

At this time we are keen to get Voltrix’s side of the story and as soon as we do we’ll update this article.