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Perunga: A Tale Of Justice?

August 18, 2015

Update: It appears that the article below is based on a troll, We will leave the article up for entertaining purposes however take the below statements with a grain of salt.

Perunga is CEO of C.Q,B, who are part of Snuffed Out Alliance. He was interviewed recently by EN24, and apparently that interview caused a lot of controversy between C.Q.B and the rest of the corporations within the alliance. Many other FC’s and CEO’s felt that Perunga had overplayed the roles both he and his corp play in the alliance.

After leaving the other members of his alliance angry, Perunga attempted to jump his jump-freighter into Vey, C.Q.B’s home system. Unfortunately Perunga had forgotten to get this alt blued to the alliance. When he placed his cyno in the wrong place, and bounced off the station, he called the other corporations of Snuffed Out for aid.

Feeling misrepresented by Perunga in his interview. Snuffed Out undocked and saw a neutral jump-freighter sat out of dock range of the station. Although they knew that it was Perunga’s alt, they saw a chance to deliver justice. They undocked, in a mixed fleet of Mechariels, and several other ships, and bumped him further off station, before killing him.



We knew who it was on the undock, however, we felt he had misrepresented Snuffed Out, and the contributions C.Q.B make towards the alliance, in a huge way. He has upset a lot of people, and when we saw his neutral alt off the station, we saw an opportunity to deliver justice, Snuffed Out operates on an NBSI policy, this means that if it’s not blue, its free game.

Perunga, and his corporation make very little contribution towards the overall success of the alliance. The content he provides is to reinforce towers that he wants to take, towers that provide him and his corp with money. This is causing friction in the alliance, as C.Q.B provide 6 men, in a fleet of over 100 men, where they see the rewards of the fight, and noone else.

It has been known that C.Q.B have been looking for greener pastures for a while, they have had trouble fitting into Snuffed Out, and though they have been here a while, they have become more and more inactive, as other corps have become more active. This may be the last straw for Perunga, but we have known that C.Q.B have wanted to leave for a while.

Is this the end for Perunga and C.Q.B in Snuffed Out? What do you think, was justice served, or was this a step too far?