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o7: The EVE Online Show Review

June 12, 2015

CCP’s “o7: The EVE Online show” for June 11 aired at 20:00 today, hosted by CCP Guard.

The segments featured were:

  • How do you say it???  Video of pronunciations of selected EVE terms
  • Does it fit? CCP Rise puts together a ship and explains the concept
  • Alliance Tournament Random draws (see below)
  • Interview with CCP Fozzie and CCP Larrikin
  • Celebrity shoot out: Laz (Goonswarm) and Manny (Pandemic Legion)
  • CCP roam with Fozzie and Larrikin

After introductions and the “How do you say???” segment, CCP Guard showed desktop wallpapers created by SilentAsTheGrave.  CCP Mimic joins in to congratulate the winners from customer support art competition.

Next the hosts highlighted ZAQQ’s “Shall We Begin” short video. Featuring sound from Star Trek Into Darkness voice over on top of EVE Drifter video.

The hosts made some announcements:

Valkyrie is now in pre-alpha.

Sov wars on on the Duality test server soon. You need to sign up with a your won alliance or join Spectre Fleet’s group, they are open to anyone who wants to join with them for the tests.

New player tournament: Oceanic Assault. An Australian based 1:1 tournament. More i information on oceanicassault.com

EVE Vegas pre-prizes for ticket holders. Vegas.eveonline.com

Player gatherings previewed. See EVEMeet

CCP Tour will visit cities Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam in the next few months

CCP New England meetup will be attended by CCP Guard and CCP Rise.

Next the “The o7 Report: June 11, 2015” by Tallardar

Ont he “Does it Fit?” segment CCP Rise fitted a Typhoon inspired by BigMiker’s “Ferocious” series on youtube; a series of pvp videos. [linked]


Next was the interview with developers, Fozzie and Larakin.  They made a few small announcements:

  • More sov oriented dev blogs on the way
  • Duality Server tests coming up
  • Balance changes
    • Ishtar changes, details in this week. Look like a nerf, but no details
    • Missiles get upgraded
      • New modules; missile guidance computers and enhancers and scripts for those
      • Buffing Heavy Missile damage 5%
      • Speed and rate of fire changes
      • Hit point changes well (firewall nerf, see below)
    • More module balance changes to come
    • Combat Battlecruiser changes, probably a buff (see below)
    • Assault frigates, black ops, logistics are soon to be rebalanced
  • Hecate T3 destroyer pre-viewed
  • Fleet warp Changes
    • “If your fleet members could not warp there before they cannot be fleet warped there.” – CCP Larrikin.  Will affect bookmarks, probe results, mission locations, dead-space items, etc. A commander can still fleet warp to gates, stations, other members, etc. (see below)

Then to the celebrity 1:1 pvp shootout between Lazurus Telraven of Goonswarm and Mannfred Sideous of Pandemic Legion.  Laz won with a hull tanked Cruiser.

CCP Logibro then announced the 48 winners of the random drawing entry into Alliance tournament. Full results can be found here: [linked]

Black Legion.
The G0dfathers
Clockwork Pineapple
Scary Wormhole People
Brave Collective
Hard Knocks Citizens
The Methodical Alliance
Northern Coalition.
Dead Terrorists
Out of Sight.
Vox Populi.
Forsaken Federation
Together We Solo
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
Nihilists Social Club
RAZOR Alliance
Gone Critical
404 Alliance Not Found
Alternate Allegiance
The Bastards.
Brothers in Arms Alliance
Confederation of xXPIZZAXx
Dream Fleet
Verge of Collapse
The Explicit Alliance
Easily Excited
The Gorgon Empire + The Gorgon Spawn
Chaos Collective
Phoebe Freeport Republic
A Band Apart.
Warlords of the Deep
Nerfed Alliance Go Away
Pandemic Horde
Suddenly Spaceships.
Drop the Hammer
It Must Be Jelly Cause Jam Don’t Shake
End of Life
Quebec United Legions
The Kadeshi
That Escalated Quickly.
SpaceMonkey’s Alliance

These groups join the 12 alliances already in the tournament for placing well in last year’s tournament.

The Camel Empire
Nulli Secunda
Pandemic Legion
The Tuskers Co.
The Afterlife.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
Rote Kapelle
Tactical Narcotics Team
Shadow Cartel

Then CCP Guard announced the Alliance Tournament commentators:

Sir Squeebles
Elise Randolph

 With that the show was ended with Fozzie and Larrikin pvping against players.

Next show will be July 16th at 20:00 EVE time on http://www.twitch.tv/ccp



The new missile modules and scripts will increase range (flight time and velocity stats) and better damage application (explosion velocity and explosion radius stats).

Like the gun tracking versions of the same types, there will be a mid slot module and a low slot module. This, along with Heavy Missile damage buff by 5% and increase in missile HP (weighted by size) to protect them from being blown up by smart bombs (firewall tactic), will help missile doctrines in general. Adding that to Combat Battlecruiser changes (hinted as speed upgrades) may help usher the Drake back into service.

The fleet warp controversy may be over.  Complaints that an FC could probe out a sniping fleet and fleet warp his brawling fleet on top of them, making it impossible to use a sniping fleet.  Now a scout must be sent to the probe result to serve as a warp in point, giving the sniping fleet time to take evasive actions.

Bomber will also suffer because fleet warps to probe results ensured all bombers landed together on the same spot, in position to fire, before the victim could react.  This will help nerf bombers and promote the use of heavier doctrines, like battleships.

On the other hand, players that liked the way fleet warp looked in warp will still have that option.