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Watch These – Eve Online Weekly Video Round Up #4

May 13, 2015

Once again, it’s that time of the week where I have spent hours upon hours of trawling through YouTube to bring you the BEST (well, in my opinion anyway) videos that the Eve Community has to offer. So here we go!

#1 Absolute: Eve Online Wormhole PvP

I love my up close and personal PvP videos, I love them even more if it’s a long small gang brawl with coms, a great sound track, and editing to help not make it too dull to watch. And this video has all of these, a great example of small gang wormhole brawling.

#2 Eve Online: Jackdaw Modes on Sisi

Here it is! The long awaited Jackdaw model is finally on Sisi and it is probably one of the most complex model in terms of animations that CCP has made so far. Personally I can’t wait to get my hands on this.

#3 Grand Theft Raven…

BRAVE love to get up to random shenanigans, after obtaining the POS password from a another youtube video they naturally proceed to raid it and steal as much as they can. What happens afterwards though, they didn’t really expect to happen.

#4 Stratios Vs Tengu

Wormholes provide some of the most intense PvP because you simply don’t know who is watching you, and in this video you watch as a Stratios stalks its prey. An interesting look into how solo hunters check out their target before pouncing.

#5 Golem PvP

Otto Von Bismark is back, and to celebrate his 1,000th subscriber, he takes a Golem through its paces.

#6 Jessan Trask – Quitting Eve via AWOXing

Submitted to me via the comments section of last weeks video roundup. And yes, its a funny as it sounds, if your going to burn bridges, this is how you do it.

Do you have any videos that either you have made or watched that you think are particularly good? If so, please feel free to submit them to me on twitter @TiberiusStarGaz or via mail at [email protected], until next week!