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NA Wyvern Dies to CFC Titanfleet in 4-2UXV

April 19, 2015

Last night, CFC managed to kill a Northern Associates. Wyvern piloted by Udon Corvienus

According to the Dabigredboat, he found the Wyvern because he was doing some ”shady stuff” around Querious. After doing some locating on the pilot they found him moving around. Following some research they realised what route he was likely taking and so placed Hictor and Dictor alts in 4-2UXV. After waiting for some minutes, Alderan Brere a known cyno alt of this Wyvern, jumped in to system and warped to a celestial. The CFC fleet knew that this could potentially be the moment that they had been waiting for so everybody prepared to take action.

Alderan Brer, lit his cyno and all CFC HIC/DIC pilots warped over to the location. While in warp the Wyvern indeed jumped in but luckily for the CFC, their DICTOrs landed in time to catch it. With the Wyvern now tackled, the in cyno was lit and titan fleet jumped in. With this many DD’s being fired he stood no chance and died moments later.

Video of the Kill
