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Fountain War Update: Rumors, Actions and Updates

April 14, 2015

Recently we heard that the CFC is abandoning Fountain in this article but since yesterday it seems that a lot more is happening regarding the ”Fountain War” and other entities making their pre “Fozziesov” moves.


While having a poll up to rename their coalition, the CFC has announced a couple of changes regarding the sov that they hold. We already knew about Fountain but yesterday, The Mittani announced that they are to give up Cloud Ring as well.

(11:35:20 PM) directorbot: Re: Cloud Ring & our glorious victory (which we can still fuck up so continue to apply boot -> face at full force):

(EXE is headed up to Branch)

The alliances that lived in these regions, Fatal Ascension, Executive Outcomes, Get Off My Lawn and Forged of Fire will likely find a new home in the north. However details are not known as of yet!

The reason behind these actions appears to be that the CFC is preparing for the upcoming SOV rework. In this sovereignty rework it becomes more important to increase activity in your sovereignty in order to protect it. This move would be smart for the CFC to do because they basically created a fortress in the north, which would be very hard to fight against. This reason was confirmed by CFC’s head diplomat, CSM 9 and 10 member, Sion Kumitomo

Hopefully we will learn more soon, as CFC has promised to send out a CEO updated today.

N3 Coalition

N3 Coalition has decided to give up delve, and basically stated that whatever happens in delve happens. DARKNESS. and The Kadeshi will take over current Northern Coalition space in Querious and Period Basis.

Nulli Secunda seem to have redeployed to 3-BADZ in Feythabolis but nothing has been announced yet in terms of future deployments.

Northern Coalition has announced to basically follow PL’s move in giving up all of their sovereignty and going back to a nomadic lifestyle.

The new friends of the N3, Black Legion. have announced they will do a full reset and will go to Aridia to take over all moons.

Sadly, The Chinese N3 alliance called, Fraternity. has decide to disband and corporations are likely to find a new home in Nulli Secunda or other N3 alliances.

A lot of movement and a lot of content seems to be developing with the upcoming patch! We will keep you updated as it happens.
