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Pirate Coalition Reforming

March 30, 2015

We recently have been contacted by Benzmann of the invalid corporation to discuss the comeback of the so called “Pirate Coalition” as explained below.

NEWS:Pirate Coalition

Pirate Coalition is hereby announcing its comeback.

Pirate Coalition is one of the first and oldest pirate alliances in eve, dating back to 2003.
Pirate Coalition was formed by the corporation MAFIA which was under Skywalker‘s and Tiller‘s Command.
Years passed and Real life took over and the alliance went inactive.

Until now.

Skywalker has entrusted his good friend Benzmann to reinstate Pirate Coalition.
Benzmann was a Director for MAFIA and FC for Pirate Coalition in the old days.
Pirate Coalition will be lead by Benzmann’s new Corp Invalid.
Pirate Coalition plans on being up and running again in about 2 weeks and will focus on recruiting small pirate corps around the galaxy.
Old members of MAFIA and Pirate Coalition are encouraged to sign up.

It has not been announced if Skywalker will be making his return or not.

Who said old school piracy was dead ?

Following this submission I contacted him directly to answer a few questions and expand on his mail.

Amymuffmuff > I have a few questions for you relating to your recent mail. What is the plan for the alliance? Where are you going to base? What are the reasons for the return?

Benzmann > The plan is to recruit small corps 10-25members size, we are going start out in Minmatar lowsec space and until now, none of the old leaders have had the motivation to start this up again until now.

Amymuffmuff > So the reasons for return and the overall goals?

Benzmann > We don’t like how lowsec space pvp has evolved, we are not much for 100+ man fleets in lowsec, and people who are a part of those fleets can’t really be called pvpers, as they are using the same tactics as Goons do. We want to change that game experience for people that are willing to sign up with us.

Amymuffmuff > So you started again because you don’t like the current status quo?

Benzmann > Yeah, there is no fun in super-size fleets, where only 15% of the players make it to the killmail of a ship they just killed and more and more people are playing the same gamestyle as the goons and call themselves pvpers. Last time I checked, nobody likes the goons, by the mention of the word “Goon” to a fellow eve player always gives out an laugh. I am not saying that the goon tactics don’t work… The tactic itself is efficient, but its not fun and players play this game for fun… people seem to have forgotten that.

Amymuffmuff > So are you aiming to fight against the goons?

Benzmann > No plans for it, but that doesn’t mean we won’t take a drive-by fleet into goon space. Drive-by’s are always fun. Our main goal is to bring a more fun pvp experience to players. People play Eve to escape the real life, and we are here to ruin that for them.

With the existing coalitions in place focussing around the on going battles in nullsec I do wonder what this revived entity hopes to achieve. However at least it shows that there are pilots out there who continue to try and make it on their own in New Eden anyway they can.

[If you have any comments or intel you would like to provide please contact me at [email protected] or via an in-game mail]