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Hero SOTC.

March 27, 2015

The Brave Collective and the rest of the HERO Coalition recently had a state of the coalition meeting. The full recording and transcript can be found here. Some important points can be found below:

HERO will immediately be deploying to Delve/Querious to fight N3, the CFC, BL and anyone else there. HERO will not be taking sides but will instead be fighting everyone and be available for help by everyone.

HERO will begin taking temporary mercenary contracts (for a single timer) with some restrictions.

PL offered to conduct temporary operations with HERO but was turned down citing need to find new fights.

Coalition members must have a security status higher than -4.5 for logistical purposes.

Brave intends to contend to win the Singularity test for the new Entosis Link.

An Entosis Academy will be created to organize force projection and work with their “flechette fleets”.

What is particularly interesting is that HERO will be taking mercenary contracts. Something emphasized in this state of the coalition meeting is that HERO and more specifically Brave Newbies is dedicated to having fun. By deploying to Delve in the midst of what is being called the last “great war” HERO will have no trouble finding fights against multiple entities. As if they needed more incentive, HERO will be available to take short contracts: they will receive isk AND get fights. HERO’s assistance is certainly something valuable now (as evidenced by PL offering to work with them) and will be even more so during “fozziesov” where having many fleets will make all the difference.

In the first part of the SOTC Lychton Kondur recapped recent events. In case you missed them they can be found below:

TEST and HONOR have left HERO and many high level people as well. More are on their way out.

The staging system has been moved from GE-8JV to HED-GP.

As Eagles, Tengus, and Ishtars will be nerfed new fleets will be coming.

A thanks was extended to Elise Randolph for helping to write the SOTC.

Cagali was congratulated for making the CSM.

HERO has changed greatly in the past weeks. A large number of pilots have left from TEST and Spaceship Samurai but even more remain. HERO remains strong as a coalition and intends to continue to create content going into fozziesov. While things will change, their core philosophy will remain the same and they will stay classy.

What do you think about this SOTC? Will HERO be valued for contracts? Will they change the balance in Delve? Let us know in the comments.