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Leaks: Skeleton Crew. Alliance Meeting

March 11, 2015

Another day, another alliance meeting leak. This time the leak comes from an alliance called, Skeleton Crew [MEAN] who are currently part of the N3 coalition.

1: Introduction of Alliance Management
2: Removal of Steel City
3: Limit the amount of trolling
4: Internal communication will be improved
5: Fleet rules will be stricter in the future, no talking or kick from fleet
6: Deployment to Delve to fight BL and Pizza together with Kadeshi and DARKNESS in 2 weeks
7: Prepare your subcaps and make some isk!
8: Doctrine will be: Tengu’s, Moa’s Confessor’s, Svipul’s and armor Machariel’s
9: We will fly with people who respect us
10: Time for Steel City to do what we want to do
11: N3 Will likely not survive next patch
12: Skeleton Crew is looking around for options
13: Rat in C-Pew pocket and you can rat in Delve
15: Keep up the good work! TZ’s are good and the aim is to have 150 man fleets
16: SRP rules
17: Welcome to our new members

[If you have any comments or intel you would like to provide please contact me via an in-game mail]