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Nyx Rekked in Derelik

February 24, 2015

Earlier today, a Nyx was destroyed in the Mahnagh system of the Derelik region.

The Nyx was piloted by SeyMeyEr who is presently part of a starter corporation after reportedly being unsubscribed for the past year. However prior to this he was a member of the 0utbreak corporation in Outbreak [OB.] alliance up until 29th January 2014.

I contacted SeyMeyEr with regards to the circumstances involved in this loss as described below.


SeyMeyEr > so my main is Zarathushtra and I havent played for 2-3 years or so. However I am still in touch with some of the old guys like ScoRpS from the old days who is currently in Pandemic Legion. So you can already see where this is going.

Amymuffmuff > That maybe so but it’s better to hear it from you.

SeyMeyEr > I asked him to post on their forums if someone wants to buy my nyx and the character. Shortly after I had a buyer though I had my doubts of course knowing PL and all, but I honestly didn’t care that much since I have stupid amounts of ISK and just thought maybe someone can put that it into use.

SeyMeyEr > We made arrangements to transfer the Nyx to him tonight using Chribba as 3rd party and here is where I started to fuck up more. I told him the system yesterday and logged in today without checking anything like even whether or not he ever contacted Chribba or checked the system or nothing. So basically I logged in and instantly see the probes though I manage to warp out since the Nyx was fitted how some people used to fit them for ninjastuff way back when.

SeyMeyEr > The onyx is already on me but fails to tackle and in the next spot he lands 70 from me, where I am cloaked but that obviously wont do shit when people know what they doing. So I try to get out but it ain’t even close and they cyno in and kill me in 30 seconds or so.

SeyMeyEr > I certainly think I deserved to die. 1 more thing the buyer was spottington and I dont blame ScoRpS I just wish I knew if it was a planned trap or not. I can say that this char is on sale on the EVE Online forums now but it’s just a lone capsuleer without a shiny ship 🙁


Click for Killmail

It appears that the simple fact of not really following all the proper procedures of selling such a ship didn’t cross his mind due to the fact that he was buying it through a friend which resulted in a 30 billion ISK loss.

The leader of the aptly named Pandemic Legion Rekkingcrew, RoCkEt X, thankfully provided me with the following interview.


RoCkEt X > As you may or may not know, i lead a team of supercapital hunters within PL known internally as #REKKINGCREW. A friend of ours came to me and told me that he knew of a supercap sale going down in the area.

RoCkEt X > Basically it was a target we knew about, but a friend wanted to buy it so wanted us to leave it alone.

RoCkEt X> The HIC that made the initial tackle was my alt, which is stationed there because there’s another target logged out there.

Amymuffmuff > have any trouble with the tackling or was it straight forward? And what happened with regards to you destroying something a friend wanted to buy?

RoCkEt X > Yeah, the fucker was nomaded and i-stabbed. I probed him as he logged in and he warped off before I landed from the 25 au warp. I probed him again as he landed in his safe, and cycled probes again mid warp but I again landed with no luck. However, the probe hit iIlanded whilst I was mid-warp was 60km away so burned at it (he was warping in the same direction I’d warped from) and sure enough, that hit was at 0km.

RoCkEt X > So as I burned through the 0 point with the HIC the Nyx decloaked and I landed point and lit the cyno as he immediately started his self destruct. Though that no longer matters because it now still gives out a killmail anyway.

RoCkEt X > To be honest it feels a bit shitty because I didn’t know the Nyx was actually the one being bought until it was already at 20% armor and you can see from the video that it went from there to dead in 2 seconds when the last DD landed.

Amymuffmuff > Surely if you knew about it and a friend wanted to buy it you must have realised that was who you was killing?

RoCkEt X > Do you know how many Nyx’s are currently logged out in derelik?There’s still alot of shit floating around from previous engagements in derelik, aside from those I’m tracking 2 other randoms and that’s just Nyx’s. You don’t kill as many supers as we do because you’re just watching a single target.

RoCkEt X > Tbh, I owe both the buyer an apology as well as the guy who put buyer and seller in touch with each other as it’s made it seem like he fucked his friend.

RoCkEt X > My group seems to get a reputation for doing dodgy stuff and screwing people to get kills and it’s not a reputation I enjoy, nor one that we really deserve. PL has been amazing to me and the guys who followed me here when we merged my former alliance (PHEW) into SNIGG and I just think it’s pretty shit that what should have been a good frag ended up putting a PL bro’s friendship in jeopardy.

From the above it appears that even though the pilot and ship were in the process of going through a sale it just happened to be that he logged in at the wrong time without checking the system and information prior to doing so and that got him killed. Both sides seem to agree that it is not each other’s fault it just happened to be a bad circumstance to begin with and unfortunately ended with the loss of a Nyx as it’s outcome.

A video for the kill which was mentioned above by RoCkEt X is shown here:

Thanks to both RoCkEt X and Zarathushtra for their help in writing this report.

[If you have any comments or intel you would like to provide please contact me at [email protected] or via an in-game mail]