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Lowsec Scraps: Ardent Aridia

February 7, 2015

Over a week ago EN24 covered the story of how Darkness. lost a titan to some residents of Aridia.

The conflict between the two sides has continued, and heated up in pace, if not in ISK value. What began as a  smaller entity making plays against R64 moons has turned into a thorn in the side of Darkness. and Kadeshi. I caught up with Pearcy15504 from Darkness. He gave me some insight into whats been happening in the area.

Earlier this week an engagement in Van resulted in a fight over an moon, the victors being Darkness. and The Kadeshi. Sort Dragon had enough Tengus on field to ignore the logistics and volley directly through the Ishtars of the fleet comprised of Infernal Octopus/No value/LowSechnaya Sholupen/AXIOS. (Hereby Referred to as Aridia Residents)

The day was won, and the Tengu fleet came out on top.

The next day a skirmish over an R64 in Anja occured, resulting in the loss of a tower for Darkness. I caught up with Xairn Blackscale of LowSechnaya Sholupen and he had this to say:


Xairn Blackscale: Well, they brought Tengus + support
Xairn Blackscale: We caught them on gate pass first
Xairn Blackscale: Killed some Tengus and minor stuff
Xairn Blackscale: Then warped on spot and were waiting for them to warp in
Xairn Blackscale: When they landed – we killed their Hugins first
Xairn Blackscale: So we were free to kite them as we please
Tridgit: they didnt bring enough logi?
Tridgit: or were you alphaing them
Xairn Blackscale: Buggers bring some assaults this time but we managed kicked them fast
Xairn Blackscale: Tey got 20 Scimi
Tridgit: how many tengus?
Xairn Blackscale: More than enough
Xairn Blackscale: 60 or so
Xairn Blackscale: Didn’t count
Xairn Blackscale: They rewarped so we decide to grab their FC balls
Xairn Blackscale: So they couldn’t rewarp
Xairn Blackscale: f1 monkeys
Tridgit: then you burned thru his fleet or did you accidentally headshot?
Xairn Blackscale: Nah
Xairn Blackscale: Methodically wiped their logi
Xairn Blackscale: When their FC got a picture about how they are fucked they warped off

This time the Aridia Residents came out on top.

I managed to fly over after seeing the activity on the map, just missing the actual engagement. Snapped a photo of the victorious fleet in its dutiful POS bashing formation.

I will be trying to catch more excitement from the Aridia area, and other skirmishes elsewhere. If you know of a fight or conflict in lowsec that hasn’t been talked about, send me a mail in game, I’d love to hear about it.