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The Small Things: Jove Energy Weapons, 10b Stratios Destroyed, Black Frog Slashes Prices and MORE!

February 2, 2015

Welcome to the second article in a new series on EN24 where we will be looking at the ‘small things’ that might not make a full EN24 article but are either funny or interesting enough to share anyway! We here at EN24 will be running one of these articles once a week after scouring the intel channels and other intel outlets for information to share with you, our readers. 

Black Frog Logistics slash prices by 20%

With the Phoebe expansion came the jump fatigue nerf and also the change to the ‘pod express’ mechanic a lot of people wondered how it would affect services like Black Frog. They responded to the news with a price increase to reflect how their business would now be more labour, and ISK, intensive.

Yesterday came the news from Lyn Fel CEO of Black Frog that they will be slashing their prices by 20%, a great boon to those who use the services!lyn

A few months ago, due to the pending changes to jump travel and pod express, Black Frog Logistics implemented the largest price increase in its history. At that time we said we would watch how things unfold for a few months and revisit the decision. That time has now come.

We have come to the conclusion that the changes to Eve did not negatively impact hauling quite as bad as we thought it might have. Therefore we will be implementing our first ever price decrease of 20% off of our current base rate (pricing for extra jumps and additional collateral remain unchanged).

We hope that this will come as welcome news to our customers who have stuck with us over the years and possibly even encourage a few new (and possibly old) customers to take advantage of our services going forward as well.

Thank you for your time,

Lyn Fel
Black Frog Logistics

10 Billion ISK Stratios destroyed in a C6 wormhole.

Over the last few days Hard Knocks Inc. and E X P L O S I O N have been carrying out an eviction on the BAND of MAGNUS who were residing in a class 6 wormhole and this eviction has caused more the 200 billion ISk to be destroyed. Hans Kolba wrote an article about it for EN24 here.


During the fight that occurred in the system at around 20:00 EvE time last night a Stratios Cruiser was seen looting wrecks and then cloaking. The E X P L O S I O N gang, who thought the Stratios had warped off continued to randomly loot the field when suddenly, a lucky moment hit and the Stratios was uncloaked. Still having Sabre’s on the field from the previous fight the bubbles went up and the Stratios was despatched.


Click for Killmail

The fight over 94FR-S

On the evening of the 30th January 2015 the CFC and the N3 coalition alliances clashed over the fate of an I-Hub in 94FR-S.

The N3 alliances who numbered around the 360 mark, formed up in a mixture of Loki strategic cruisers and Eagle Heavy Assault cruisers while also making sure they had a good support wing of 40 or so Assault frigates, mostly Harpies and a 50 pilot strong bomber wing. Their logistical core was made up of a mix of all four races though seemed to favour the Onerios and Basilisk over anything else. The N3 alliances committed a couple of caps to the field in the form of two dreads and a Chimera.

The CFC forces formed up in Tempest Fleet Issue gang with a couple of Machariels mixed in, an Ishtar gang of around 40 and a large backbone of the normal CFC Harpies and the now obligatory for this war, big bomber wing. The CFC also brought a number of triage Archons onto the field during the fight.

The CFC Harpy and Ishtar fleet started harassing the NC. gang who had already set up on the I-Hub while The Initiative. Tempest Fleet Issues warped to engagement ranges above the N3 fleet and started engaging the Eagle Heavy Cruisers. However once they landed the N3 switched their focus onto the TFI Initiative fleet and they began to sustain heavy losses. Meanwhile the Loki fleet was putting significant pressure on the CFC harpy and Ishtar fleet and caused them to warp off over and over again.

With TFI’s being lost at a significant rate, the DPS from the CFC fleet became insufficient to break the N3 reps and the CFC signalled the retreat, sacrificing some of their TFI’s and more importantly their triage carriers to the wrath of the N3 alliances.

In all the CFC lost a total of around 42.6 billion ISK in this fight, most of that coming from the 25 Tempest Fleet Issues that were destroyed and the 4 archons that were sacrificed. The N3 alliances managed to secure the I-Hub objective and while they still took significant damage, having lost a large chunk of their Eagle fleet and incurring just under 21 billion ISK in losses they can feel proud of their achievement it what should of been a very close and even engagement.

Now with Northern Coalition. deployed to Curse to strengthen the N3 defensive forces the gains for the CFC have definitely slowed. We shall see if the N3 alliances feel it is necessary to redeploy any of it’s defensive forces from Esoteria down to Immensea in order to further bolster the defence. It also remains to be seen if the CFC will bring any more of their forces down to try and counter the redeployment of the NC. alliance to the front lines. We will have to wait and see.

Full battle report can be found here.

SOLAR Coalition Vs Geminate Defenders in YN3-E3

Late afternoon on the 1st February 2015 the SOLAR Coalition, comprised of SOLAR FLEET, Confederation of xXPizzaXx, Black Legion. and Triumvirate. engaged a defending gang consisting of the defenders of Geminate, namely Legion of xXDEATHXx, Infinity Space. and Hard Alliance, both groups bringing a force of Ishtar’s and bombers.

The fight started after one of the SBU’s belonging to xXDEATHXx in YN3 was destroyed. The first part of the fight seemed to go the Geminate defenders way, with them managing to destroy a good amount of SOLAR Coalitions Ishtar’s and random support to the tune of 5.1 billion ISK while not taking too many losses themselves, just 2.6 billion ISK.

Full battle report found here.

After the 1st fight the SOLAR Coalition pulled back to watch and wait.

Later in the afternoon the SOLAR Coalition returned to YN3 and managed to launch an amazing bombing run on the massed Legion of xXDEATHXx Ishtar fleet. The bombing run managed to destroy 46 of the Geminate defenders Ishtar’s and a couple of their logistic cruisers. This loss totalled 16.3 billion ISK while the SOLAR Coalition forces only lost around 800 million ISK.

Full battle report can be found here.

Thanks to Dood, a commenter on EN24 for this intel.

ship_purifierDaBigRedBoat lays the perfect trap. 

On the 31st January 2015 a fight went down in the ZJA-6U system of Immensea, during this fight The Kadeshi, member of the N3 coalition, brought in a large fleet of Eagle Heavy Assault cruisers.

The CFC had arrived in a small Ishtar gang supported with a large wing of bombers. The Ishtar FC and the Bomber FC got together and hatched a daring plan. The Ishtar fleet was sent to bait the Kadeshi Eagles and then, once they engaged warped away to a noticeable spot on a planet. The Eagle FC, hungry for blood, warped his fleet after them just as the two CFC FC’s had hoped and planned for.

Upon the eagles arrival on the grid with the CFC Ishtar’s, the bomber wing which had already been set up ready for the bomb run, uncloaked and released hell.

The resulting bomb run and Ishtar fire took down over 70 of The Kadeshi Eagles in one fell swoop and handed the ISK win to the CFC.

The N3 alliances lost around 22.3 billion ISK during the fight while CFC went home with only 2.45 Billion ISK worth of losses. Black Legion., fleeted in there normal Tengu doctrine, and HERO in interceptors, who were there as 3rd party content hunters lost around 4 billion ISK between them.

Another big thank you to EN24 commenter Trollolololololol who passed on this Battle report to me.

VIDEO: Jove Energy Weapon – Lux Kontos

This video showcase a new weapon design that is connected to the Jove. From what we can tell from looking at the design it does not seem to have any sort of mounts or fixing, leading some to believe that it will be hovering in a ‘port’ of the ship and is not connected to the ship itself. The easiest way to describe it would be.. Sentry drones that hover just inside your drone bay and fire from the open drone bay doors.

Whether or not this will be something a player will be able to get it’s hands on is still a question that has not been answered. My feelings is that it is unlikely and that these will be NPC ships, however I could be totally incorrect in that statement. The weapon system, which translated means ‘Light Spear’ is thought to be connected to the new Drifter Jovian Battleship which can be seen here.

VIDEO: Hurricane PVP is not dead!

Big thanks to Khoo Kalfren for the video, one of the better solo Battlecruiser video’s I have seen since they do not seem to fit the current EvE Meta.

Below he shares how the video came about and what led up to him deciding to chose a Hurricane for a PVP video along with sharing the fitting for all to see;Khoo

After a discussion with a colleague about just how viable the hurricane was I fit one up and was pleasantly surprised at how well it performed. I fit up 6 more and this is the result.

The hurricane is a bad ship, but not as bad as people seem to think it is

I had links in most of these fights, but none of the outcomes were changed by having them, the most helpful thing was I was able to scout myself and avoid 2 Co2 Falcon camps

I originally was flying the cane for novelty value, but I actually had a ton of fun flying it, because everyone wants to fight a cane!

[Hurricane, Khoo Kalfren’s Hurricane]
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Gyrostabilizer II
Medium Ancillary Armor Repairer
Medium Armor Repairer II

Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I
Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I
X5 Prototype Engine Enervator

50W Infectious Power System Malfunction
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II,Republic Fleet Fusion M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II,Republic Fleet Fusion M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II,Republic Fleet Fusion M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II,Republic Fleet Fusion M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II,Republic Fleet Fusion M
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II,Republic Fleet Fusion M

Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Medium Nanobot Accelerator I
Medium Projectile Burst Aerator I

Acolyte II x6

T3 Deviantart Chans by Tabnir

Last article in the small things today is just a little bit of fun. I found this on reddit last night and I think it just about sums up the current state of the T3 cruiser meta. Big thanks to the creator Tabnir for being just that little bit creepy enough to make this fantastic bit of artwork.

Link to Tabnirs’ Deviantart page.


Well thats it for this weeks issue of ‘The Small Things’ and I hope you enjoyed it and we shall see you next week for another edition! 

If you have anything that you think should be reported on EN24, please contact me at @mail_lite on Twitter, email at [email protected] or Eve Mail me in game.