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G.CLUB Wyvern Down In Immensea

January 29, 2015

With the US tz members of both Goonswarm Federation and the CFC deployed to and around Immensea to try and find good fights, N3 has recently and steadily been moving more and more people to the front lines in preparation for what looks like a major conflict. What started as small clashes between The Initiative., the Curse Russians, and the local N3 residents has now escalated in a massive way. Northern Coalition., Gentlemen’s.Club, the Kadeshi, and Darkness. have now also deployed to the local area, with rumors that Nulli Secunda and Fraternity. will also redeploy from Esoteria to assist in the fighting as well.

While the first station system in Immensea has already fallen in the fighting, this conflict has been devoid of supercap losses or cap losses in general, until today.

In the early hours of this morning, a Gentlemen’s.Club Wyvern belonging to UNI0NS was abruptly and quickly killed by a Spacemonkey’s Alliance Ishtar fleet consisting of about seventy or so individuals. The Wyvern itself had not been deployed into a combat situation, but was instead caught hundreds of kilometers off of a POS and quickly butchered by the SMA fleet after they brought in interdictors and bubbled the supercarrier, stranding it a long way from safety. Despite two Cynosural Field Generators in the cargo hold, and a wealth of liquid ozone, the Wyvern perished without trying to call in backup.


Click for Killmail

How did SMA catch the super? According to some scattered reports, the Wyvern pilot (who was afk), had accidentally let his super drift from the POS and outside of the forcefield. Below is an email from the Spacemonkey’s Alliance Sky Marshal, Komo Sunder, which also supports the AFK drifting theory;92715893_256

I wish I could give you a lengthy story on how I had stalked this super for weeks, but the fact is it was simple luck. While one of my scouts,Burton UnincSR, was digging through wormholes he spotted the wyvern on Dscan. He warped to the planet it was on to find it floating well outside of its POS, and immediately reported his findings. I flashformed ishtar’s and burned to the WH. Its not everyday you find an AFK super 4 jumps from your staging system.

We managed to burn down most of his shields without any resist. At about 2% he realized the dire situation he was in and launched drones. hardeners went on but to little effect. everything else can be seen on the killmail.

This theory seems to be supported in a video, which shows the Wyvern burning away from the POS in a direct line at full velocity, even before the fleet arrives.

The fit in is pretty standard for a Wyvern and it has a number of refit options in the cargo hold, which is a must for any capital or super capital pilot in this age of gate jumping and mobile depots.

The lows are a bit incorrect in regards to pricing. The Ahremen’s Modified Power Diagnostic System is closer to 4 or 5 billion ISK each rather than the 2.8 billion ISK each that has been quoted on Zkillboard. This would bump up the total loss of this super closer to the 40 billion ISK mark.

UNI0NS could not be reached for comment regarding this loss.