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Blood Raider POS Bashers get Hot Dropped.

January 28, 2015

On 22 January 2015 at approximately 02:49 EVE-time, the fourth Blood Raider POS owned by the player Nauplius was destroyed by Amarr Faction Warfare loyalists and their allies.

Tower Killmail

A strong rivalry has festered between the Amarr roleplaying community of EVE online and those who choose to roleplay as Blood Raiders. In an especially brash Intergalactic Summit post (the section of the forums only for in-character posts), Nauplius announced that he had put up his most recent “slave factory”, and bragged about his many in-character atrocities, as can be seen here

Soon after the POS was announced, a fleet led by Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris, more widely known as “PIE”, quickly put the tower in reinforced mode as soon as they were able. By the time the POS came out of reinforced mode the next day, Samira Kernher with a few pilots from PIE and some from Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque, also known as “SFRIM”, another Amarr loyalist group, were awaiting inbound reinforcements, all the while exchanging in-character threats with the leader of Pyre Falcon Defence and Security, Desiderya.

I was unable to obtain permission to link any of the finer quotes, but sources say the bulk of the argument was about how both sides would react if the alliance Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive, also known as I-Red, joined them on grid. This was after a scuffle involving PYRE, Amarr loyalist allies, and Nauplius himself. PYRE had already fired upon members of SFRIM and another Amarr loyalists minutes prior to this argument, so tensions were running high.

According to witnesses, at the same moment that Desideriya finished threatening PIE, PIE’s own Aldrith Shutaq warped on grid in his Armageddon Navy Issue, along with fellow Amarr Loyalist Esna Pitoojee & several other members of Ethical Carnage, piloting additional battleships, attack battlecruisers and logistics.

The ensuing dialogue between the two fleets distilled down to little more than angry looks from beyond computer screens, as both sides opened fire on the POS. Soon after the POS’s destruction, PYRE forces decided to leave grid, under the threat of a roaming pirate fleet swinging by. However, Ethical Carnage, PIE, and the remaining friendly pilots stuck around, finishing off the remaining modules and guns.

Following the destruction of the last laser turret, the remaining Ethical Carnage fleet was trying to decide on their method of extraction to get to their home base. At that moment, an Arazu warped on grid that was not from any of the previous fleets and lit a cyno. Before anyone could warp out, a Did He say Jump fleet jump bridged in consisting of at least six battleships, ten T3 cruisers, a command ship, and at least 3 Archons, immediately targeting the Ethical Carnage fleet members on field.

Killmail 2

Domi kill
Guardian kill

As Ethical Carnage was escaping in the nearby system, yet another cyno was lit, this time by Goonswarm, and a third battleship was destroyed.

'geddon kill

“Did He Say Jump” is rumored to have attacked the Ethical Carnage fleet under false intel. What Goonswarm was doing on the field is down to speculation. Fortunately for Ethical Carnage, most of their fleet was able to escape.

If you pay attention to the Intergalactic Summit post, apparently who-would-have-beaten-who was still being hotly debated, even well after the event. We shall see if there will be another Blood Raider POS bash, and if the fifth will be nearly as eventful as the fourth.

If you have anything that you think should be reported on EN24, please contact me at @VulxanisViceroy on Twitter, or Eve Mail me in game.