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Leaks: CFC USTZ Deployment

January 27, 2015

The following deployment was announced by the CFC not long ago! Enjoy!

Posted by: Lazarus Telraven

For those of you who don’t know NCdot have deployed to Litom this system is 11 jumps from our home in XS-K1O. What this means is that the numbers of our chosen foe will be rising and hopefully they will have the balls to actually brawl us with the help of all their friends. Rumors are also that Nulli Secunda will be deploying next week to I assume Immensea as well which means we will be well out numbered in US TZ and swarmed in EU TZ

With that being said please take tonight off make sure you have drones for your ishtars (especially bouncers + curators) and if you have lost a ship recently that you have procured a new one. (wtb covops(s)) Tomorrow night we will start back up with fleet shenanigans and I will post a form up tomorrow during the US TZ Work day. But expect the form up time to be around 0200-0300 plan at the moment is unknown it really depends on how much NCdots deployment to this theater affects Gclub/Kadeshi which have religious blue balled us the past 2 weeks.

Sorry for my laz rage on Friday night taking tonight to unwind and dick around on stream. And no I didn’t care about the vagabond dieing it was a culmination of retardedness during that entire op.(Even though I apologize for it doesn’t give you all the right to act like retards on fleetsTomorrow EU TZ 16:45ish R-Z is out of Final RF again. If you are home from work have ishtar fleet ships ready to join INIT fleet or go on bomberwaffe fleet if boat is home to FC

I would say expect some brawls in the near future, but I don’t want to lie to you if our targets continue to hide.

STANDARD DRONE LOADOUT: (Set = 5 drones)2 SETS of bouncers

FORM UP Wednesday night (thursday eve) :: 0200-0300 exact time to be decided tomorrow :: Have Ishtar Fleet and Harpy Fleet ready we are always low on logi so could potentially always use more basilisks / bursts depending on the fleet. for a 130 man ishtar fleet we will want 15 logi